Where to find a job for a pensioner: tips, ideas, vacancies

Professions for women

When choosing a job in retirement, it is important to focus, first of all, on your own capabilities and preferences. The most in-demand specialties include:


Women who have previously worked in a sewing studio or are interested in needlework and sewing can take up fabric cutting. The employee's responsibilities include cutting out parts on fabric according to patterns. The position requires flexible or part-time work.


Not an easy, but in-demand job with a good level of income. You can get a part-time job with hourly pay, or a permanent job with accommodation at the customer’s place.

Controller at the checkpoint

Job responsibilities include filling out a logbook, checking visitors’ passes, and monitoring order in the premises. Typically, employees are recruited into large organizations with official registration and a white salary.


The duties of a watchman are in many ways similar to the duties of a controller, but the specifics of the work are much quieter, since the workplace is located in a residential building. The shift lasts 24 hours.

Where can a retired woman find a job?

The advantage is that watchmen are required mainly in elite residential complexes, the contingent of which is mostly cultured and well-mannered.


The job consists of collecting applications and receiving goods. Computer skills may be required.

Public transport conductor

The position will require the applicant to have a high level of stamina and good health. The working day starts very early and lasts 10-12 hours. The employee will be required to carefully monitor the receipt of funds and hand over proceeds to the cash register daily.

Wardrobe attendant

The most preferred work option for pensioners. The applicant will not need any special skills or experience.

Cleaning woman

The level of payment, as a rule, is low and directly depends on the place where you manage to get a job. Pay in cleaning companies is higher, so it makes sense to look for a vacancy there.

Useful links: Questionnaire ru: reviews of earnings and 5 tips for a beginner, Remote group administrator: work for young mothers, Additional income in free time for women.

The Internet appeals to all ages

Pensioners have long mastered the Internet as well as young people and are quite free to use search engines, read news, look at companies and even play games. You can also make money on the Internet. You didn't know? This is possible, and there is nothing particularly difficult about it. The main thing is to be able to use basic typing programs, use editors and learn new things.

We offer the top 9 professions that are quite suitable for a pensioner:

  1. One of the simplest tasks that is suitable for people who can type quickly is typing . This is a monotonous, but not difficult job: converting written or scanned text into a printed version.
  2. For those who can express their thoughts, easily find the essence of the material they read and are not deprived of vocabulary, the work of a copywriter is suitable. On the Internet you can find many exchanges where customers offer orders. The main thing is to find yourself and your topic in which you will be most comfortable working, and over time you will be able to earn good money.
  3. You have creative thoughts, you know how to choose the right words, think outside the box, then try yourself in the field of naming . You will be required to come up with an unusual name for a company, store, or product; suggest a slogan.
  4. Another option that is suitable for every person with extensive experience in a particular field is to create and maintain your own website or blog . Of course, in the first couple of years you will need help and tips from younger bloggers, or simply knowledgeable people, for example, your children and grandchildren. And then you can make money from advertising; you will be offered to place it on your resource if the topic you will cover is interesting to a large number of people and you have hundreds of subscribers.
  5. Do you like to take photographs? You can capture a view or an object from an unusual angle - then making money on stock photos will be relevant for you. Unique photographs are appreciated. And you can earn income for having a great time in nature, just by photographing beautiful views.
  6. Today, more and more permanent job options are offered on the Internet, and one of the vacancies is an online consultant. In this case, age is most often not specified. The main thing: correct speech, respect and competent communication. And then you can decide for yourself what to do. Will it be direct sales and confirmation of orders, consultations on legal or technical issues, or maybe you are a former bank employee and you will be invited to the bank’s hotline; operators are needed everywhere.
  7. If you have skills in a specific technical or production area, then you can become a consultant or mentor . You can consult remotely on complex issues and earn a good income for it.
  8. Nobody canceled the game on the stock exchange . If you have an instinct, you can predict the rise or fall of currencies, then you can try yourself, for example, in Forex. The main thing is to start with small amounts and read about new ways to play the stock market.
  9. Lead your own master classes , this is very popular lately. You are a capable psychologist and can share your knowledge and many years of experience - then this is for you. The only thing that can cause difficulties is gathering an audience. But to attract attention to your lessons, you can turn to experienced advertisers. They will spread the word about your upcoming course or lecture, and you can earn good money for teaching a master class. And an established reputation is the path to financial independence and relevance.

If you dig around, you can find a lot more interesting activities if you are results-oriented and sincerely want to find a way to earn extra money. An important advantage of such remote work is a free schedule, only you decide how much to work and when. Therefore, more and more pensioners are choosing to work on the Internet. Well, then everything depends on your desires and capabilities. After all, some people find it much more pleasant to do something with their own hands.

Professions for men

Most of the work for retired men requires good physical condition, however, you can also find quiet options. It is important to choose a direction of activity not to the detriment of your own health:

Security guard, watchman

The position is suitable for an attentive and energetic man. You cannot sleep during your work shift. The schedule can be very varied, including rotational shifts. Objects that require a security guard may also have significant differences - from warm premises to cold warehouses.

Taxi driver

Work can be carried out either in a personal car or in a company car. In addition to the driver's skills, you will need to learn how to use applications on a smartphone - all taxi companies receive and transmit orders using them.


The job is not suitable for every pensioner, since the employee is subject to rather strict requirements regarding appearance and the ability to speak competently and politely.


The vacancy is for active retirees, since it will require a lot of travel around the city and physical work. In most cases, the employer offers official employment with a full benefits package.

Work for a retired man

Street cleaner

Not an easy job that requires good health and good physical shape. Shifts take place entirely outside, even in the most inclement weather. The schedules are different. Utility companies hire janitors on a part-time basis, while commercial firms are typically looking for a full-time worker.


Pensioners can work in newsstands or sell fruit and ice cream.

Many specialists, upon retirement, are left without a favorite activity, despite the fact that their specialization is what they are competent in. In some cases, you don't have to give up your life's work.

A teacher can engage in tutoring in retirement, a doctor can do private practice. You can try to find part-time options.

In-demand vacancies for men

The most in-demand professions for retired men on the labor market are:

  • watchmen;
  • wipers;
  • tutor;
  • taxi drivers.

Of course, you can also get a job as a call center operator or wardrobe attendant, but this requires physical endurance. Therefore, it is important to take into account your health status.

It’s a little easier for teachers; you can give private lessons.

Pensioner - driver behind the wheel

Working on the Internet

If there are no suitable vacancies anywhere or you have neither the strength nor the desire to go to work, but you need income, you can find work for pensioners through freelancing.

Freelancing is the provision of various types of services remotely using a computer and the Internet. This is an ideal type of employment for retirees, generating significant income and allowing them not to leave home.

However, only a few take advantage of the opportunity to work on the Internet. This is due, first of all, to distrust of this method of earning money and the fear of being deceived. You should not deprive yourself of the opportunity to earn income in comfortable conditions.

Where to find a job on the Internet for a pensioner

The main thing when selecting an online vacancy is to take into account several nuances that will be discussed in this article. Working on the Internet has many advantages:

  1. There are no educational requirements for the applicant - all the knowledge necessary for work can be obtained online by studying specialized articles or free courses on Youtube.
  2. Income level is not limited to salary. A freelancer sets his own earnings bar.
  3. Managing your time - the employee sets the working day, duration of vacation and weekends for himself.
  4. Opportunities for personal growth - the absence of bosses allows you to implement the most daring and unexpected projects.
  5. The volume of work can be set depending on your capabilities. The freelancer does not need to work extremely hard to fulfill the management plan.
  6. There is no need to waste money and time getting to work. Earning money from home allows you not to change your usual way of life.

Disadvantages of remote work include:

  • Lack of official employment. For pensioners, an entry in the work book is not particularly important, however, the moment of legal insecurity is often exploited by scammers.
  • The need to adhere to a strict schedule for some professions. For example, a vacancy for a call center operator or an administrator in an online store requires strict adherence to the company’s work schedule.
  • The habit of going to work every day can interfere with concentration and organization of the workplace at home.

It is better to start searching for work on the Internet by viewing advertisements on thematic sites and forums. It is better to look for a decent employer on trusted sites: hh.ru, Profi.ru, Fl.ru, Avito and Yula .

The likelihood of encountering scammers here is minimal, since the resource administration carefully checks all materials before publication.

Hiring pensioners

Most often, when hiring a pensioner, enterprises, in order to avoid paying taxes on him, arrange for him unofficially and pay the money in an envelope. And this does not increase the length of service, and the salary is usually not too high. But in the absence of other options, many pensioners agree to this.

However, whether you are a pensioner or not, according to the law, every citizen must be officially employed and provided with a mandatory social package that guarantees his rights to rest, sick leave and timely salary.

An employer can enter into a contract with an employee either for a fixed-term or for an indefinite period. Everything depends only on the desire of the employee.

When applying for a job, a pensioner must provide a certain set of documents:

  • passport;
  • work book;
  • SNILS.

In some cases, the employer may require additional documents, for example, a military ID or a diploma of receipt of the necessary education. Or there will be a need to obtain a health certificate.

It is worth noting that a current pensioner has all the rights of a younger employee. If a pensioner is fired, he, like everyone else, is entitled to severance pay.

TOP 5 Internet professions with decent income

The Internet makes it possible not only to earn a small additional income. There are many specialties that will allow you to earn a good increase in your pension:


Pensioners with competent speech and writing can try their hand at copywriting. This is writing articles on various topics for money. On average, a customer pays from 200 to 2000 rubles for 1 article, depending on the amount of work and complexity of the topic.

It’s realistic to write 2-4 articles in a day. It is recommended to start a career as a copywriter on specialized text exchanges, where there are detailed instructions for beginners. Popular exchanges:

  • Etxt;
  • Advego;
  • Text.ru;
  • Online.

To get started, you need to go through a simple registration and testing. After checking the test by the moderator, you can begin selecting tasks from customers and writing articles.

Telephone operator

Good diction and competent speech are the main requirements when hiring a specialist for the position of call center operator. A good job can be found in food delivery, an online store or a taxi service.

Popular internet professions

The operator's duties include:

  • consulting clients by phone;
  • receiving and processing orders;
  • filling out registration forms or product cards;
  • working with databases;
  • reporting, etc.

The operator’s monthly income starts from 15,000 rubles.

Photo processing

To start working with photographs, you will need knowledge of Photoshop. Beginners do not have to take expensive courses; all useful information can be found in free video lessons on YouTube. Retouching a wedding photo shoot costs an average of 7,000 rubles and takes 3-4 days.

Content manager

Job responsibilities include working to fill, promote and maintain communities on social networks. The salary is piecework, on average you can get 350-7000 rubles per group per month. You can find a vacancy on an advertisement website or in thematic groups of social networks.


The moderator’s task is to control order on a social network or website and block rule violators. Income on average ranges from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

General recommendations on employment for retirees

Finding a job for retirees is a challenging task. However, it can be simplified by following these guidelines:

  1. Work with computer. There is no need to be afraid to learn computers. With basic PC skills, a citizen will have access to a large number of potential vacancies. You can learn from young relatives or through special courses.
  2. Change of activity. Under no circumstances should you be afraid to change your field of professional activity. Now there are many short-term courses, after completing which a citizen will be able to master the basics of a new profession. Of course, this training is paid. However, similar courses are also conducted by the employment center, where this service is absolutely free.
  3. Using existing skills. To achieve financial security it is not at all necessary to work for someone. If a pensioner knows how, for example, to knit, do something with his hands, etc., then he can easily register as a self-employed individual and begin to monetize his skills and hobbies.

The issue of employing retirees is a difficult task. First of all, you should learn how to work on a computer. This is a very important skill, which is necessary even for retired people with education. For example, if 30 years ago, to work as an accountant it was enough to know tax legislation and be able to do the calculations yourself, but now all calculations are performed using programs. In any case, a pensioner will need to study them if he wants to work as an accountant. This example can be given for any other area of ​​employment that involves working with the “head” and not with the hands.

There is no need to be afraid to look for a job. The fact of employment does not deprive a citizen of the right to receive a pension. The only restriction is the prohibition of indexation of pensions for working pensioners. However, the size of this annual indexation is usually about 100-200 rubles. at a time when you can get much more money at work. Also, do not forget that missed indexations will be received after termination of employment.

Carefully! Fraudsters!

There are many methods of fraud on the Internet. False employers lure gullible people with advertisements with attractive employment conditions. To avoid becoming a victim of scammers, you need to remember several signs of potential deception:

  1. The applicant is offered an inflated salary compared to other similar offers.
  2. A down payment is required for employment. For example, scammers may require you to pay for insurance, a deposit for materials, activation of your personal account, consumables or goods.
  3. The advertisement contains spelling errors or the job description consists of inviting slogans and advertising phrases.
  4. The employer offers to do test work for free or to work out a probationary period for free.
  5. Payment for a vacancy. A common scam on the Internet is “commercial employment centers” that allegedly select suitable job offers for a certain fee. In fact, in the best case, after depositing money into the scammers’ account, the applicant will receive a regular printout of vacancies from an advertisement site, which can be found independently and completely free of charge.
  6. Paid training. In practice, it looks like this: first, the applicant will be pleased that he has been accepted for a vacant position, and after that he will be required to undergo paid training from the company. Such proposals cannot be trusted. No one will offer you a job after completing dubious paid courses.
  7. Jobs as a “typist” or “assembler of pens or other products at home” do not exist. All such offers on the Internet are a way to get money from gullible users.

Retirement should not be seen as hopelessness. Every retiree can find a job that will be within their capabilities and will bring satisfaction.

The time comes when you can explore new interesting directions or turn your favorite activity into a source of income. The main thing is to learn to enjoy a new activity and not be afraid to master something unknown.

Sincerely, Ksenia Stryukova specially for the proudalenku.ru project

Employment center services for pensioners

Many people believe that pensioners cannot use the services of employment centers. Actually this is not true. Citizens receiving support from the state, without any restrictions, can register with the Employment Center as unemployed and look for work with its help.

The only peculiarity is that the pensioner will not be assigned unemployment benefits, since he is already receiving cash payments from the state. Otherwise, a senior citizen has access to all possible employment center services, including:

  • assistance in finding a job;
  • selection of vacancies;
  • free training for a new profession;
  • free advanced training courses in areas of existing education.

How can a pensioner register with the Central Tax Service?

To register with the Central Tax Service, a pensioner will need to collect a set of documents consisting of:

  • statements;
  • general passport;
  • pension certificate;
  • documents on existing education;
  • work book or extract from its electronic version;
  • tax number of the taxpayer (it is not necessary to provide the TIN certificate itself, just its number is enough, which can be found on the Internet on the website of the Federal Tax Service using your passport);
  • certificates from the last place of employment (required if no more than 90 days have passed since dismissal).

An application with documents can be submitted:

  • in person at the nearest employment center at your place of residence;
  • through multifunctional centers;
  • online through the services of the state Internet resource State Services;
  • online through a specialized Russian resource (trudvsem.ru).

Exception in the issue of issuing unemployment benefits to pensioners

In a private situation, a person who has reached retirement age can receive unemployment benefits from the employment center. This is possible if a citizen has not received the right to receive an insurance pension. This happens if, at the time of reaching retirement age, he does not have the minimum required amount of work experience or the required amount of pension points.

In such a situation, the countdown of a five-year period begins, after which the citizen will be assigned an insurance, and if the conditions have not been met, then a social pension.

Until the security is assigned, the future pensioner can count on standard unemployment benefits. In 2021 its size is:

  • the first three months – 75% of the average income;
  • the next three – 60%;
  • the next six (pre-retirement people only) – 45%.

However, restrictive limits apply to these values:

  • the maximum benefit amount is the minimum wage in the first three months, then 5 thousand rubles;
  • the maximum benefit for citizens over 59.5 and 54.4 years old, men and women, respectively, is always the minimum wage;
  • guaranteed minimum for persons who have not worked during the last year - 1 thousand 500 rubles.

Early pension for unemployed “pre-retirees” from the central bank

Pre-retirement people include citizens who have little time left (less than 2 years) before reaching retirement age. Perhaps this is the only category of the population whose representatives find it more difficult to find work than citizens already receiving pensions.

The management of each organization, when hiring an employee, expects long-term cooperation. Therefore, many companies, to put it mildly, are not eager to enter into an employment agreement with citizens who will retire in 2-3 years.

To partially solve this problem, the state introduced special benefits, which, subject to a number of conditions, allows a pre-retirement citizen to begin receiving benefits from the state ahead of schedule.

This is possible subject to the following conditions:

  1. The citizen has less than two years left until he reaches retirement age. in 2021 it is 59 years and 6 months for men, 54 years and 6 months for women.
  2. The citizen was dismissed from his last place of employment due to the liquidation and further cessation of the organization’s activities or due to a reduction in the number of workers.
  3. The citizen fully satisfies the conditions for receiving an insurance pension. In 2021, they look like this: having insurance and labor experience (only periods before 2002) of at least 12 years;
  4. the amount of pension points earned is at least 21 units.
  • The citizen did not refuse the proposed work options and available educational programs.
  • The citizen was unable to find employment in at least two offered vacancies.
  • If all these requirements are met, the pre-retirement person will be offered the opportunity to receive early retirement benefits. The payment amount will be calculated according to the standard algorithm:

    Fixed part + Value of existing IP * Price of one pension point

    Consider your options

    To answer the question of how to find a job for a retiree, you first need to determine the most popular vacancies for such people. If health allows, any pensioner can find a suitable option. Working as a watchman, cleaner, janitor, concierge, cloakroom attendant, call center operator or taxi driver - choose an activity for which age is not a barrier.

    work for retired women

    The downside to such positions is that it is not an easy job. You need to be in good health to be on your feet all day. For example, working as a courier is too hard for pensioners. In addition, it is often poorly paid. For older people, an undeniable advantage when choosing such vacancies is the possibility of part-time employment. The listed options do not require qualifications or skills.

    Start a vegetable garden

    Now you have a lot of free time. If you previously planted a couple of beds of vegetables for yourself, now you can sow larger quantities. Homemade vegetables and fruits are always in demand at the market. If you think this is not enough, start a farm - a cow, chickens or quails. There are many options. It all depends on your imagination, health and desire to make your dreams come true. However, in order to garden or farm, desire alone may not be enough; you need to be in good physical shape.

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