Nuances of document storage: is it possible to laminate a marriage certificate?

A certificate of state registration of marriage is the most important document that newlyweds receive. The question often arises about how to save this precious paper.

Indeed, today there are several ways to save important documents. The most reliable and common method is document lamination. But it is worth noting that not all papers are amenable to this type of protection.

More precisely, not all laminated documents will be valid when submitted to the court, registry office or other government agencies. The question arises whether a marriage certificate can be laminated and whether it will be valid after this process. It is necessary to understand in detail.

Marriage certificate. What is it?

A marriage certificate is a document that is issued to confirm the official marriage between spouses.

A certificate is issued on a special paper form. Such a document contains information about the persons entering into an official union, the registration number, the surname assigned to the spouses after registering the marriage, the signature of the person who issued the certificate, the seal of the registry office, as well as the name of the territorial department of the registry office that registered the marriage in the prescribed manner.

A marriage certificate is issued for an indefinite period. That is why it is so important to ensure its proper storage and careful use.

Business Innovation Agency

Attention, I will quote it in full, as it contains links to regulatory documents. GADZHIYEVSKY CITY COURT OF THE MURMANSK REGION DECISION In the name of the Russian Federation

Gadzhievo November 29, 2005 Having considered in open court a civil case based on N.’s application to appeal against the unlawful actions of a notary, Info. Most of the document is covered with a dense layer of transparent polyethylene film. Taking into account the level of development of computer and copying technology, taking into account the fact that the surface of the paper medium is laminated, the court believes that the notary does not have the opportunity to make an unambiguous conclusion that there are no signs of forgery of the document. This fact does not allow him to testify to the accuracy of the copy of this document. Based on the above and guided by Art. Art. 94 - 198 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the court decided: To refuse N.’s application to the notary of Gadzhievo F.. The decision can be appealed to the Murmansk Regional Court through the Gadzhievsky City Court within 10 days. Judge: p/p The decision entered into legal force on 13 December 2005.

Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation dated February 11, 1993 N 4462-1 “On notaries”, a notary certifies the accuracy of copies of documents and extracts from them issued by public authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, legal entities, as well as citizens, provided that these documents do not contradict the legislative acts of the Russian Federation. According to Art. 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation of November 15, 1997 N 143-FZ “On Acts of Civil Status”, state registration of acts of civil status is established in order to protect the property and personal non-property rights of citizens, as well as in the interests of the state. Article navigation

How to delaminate a document back?

Unfortunately, a laminated document cannot be delaminated back. And any attempts to do this will lead to damage to the paper certificate form itself, which will also become the basis for its replacement.

Thus, according to the law, any damaged certificates are subject to replacement, in particular if the text or seal of the issuing authority is difficult to read, as well as in other cases when the possibility of their use is lost.

The only way out in this situation is to obtain a second marriage certificate.

Disadvantages of laminating documents

As a rule, government officials do not warn citizens about the possible consequences of this step.

So why can't you laminate your marriage certificate?

This procedure is not advisable because:

  1. Claims from civil servants arise, first of all, due to the inability to make legally required notes and seals, which are sometimes required to be affixed.
  2. Sometimes the marriage certificate has to be shown to a notary, but he may not recognize the authenticity of the document. And this is understandable, since the plastic coating can distort colors, it allows you to hide the fact that the photo has been re-taped, corrections have been made by erasing the original text, or even computer editing. Of course, as a result of the influence of all these factors, it will be quite difficult for the notary to determine whether it is an original or a fake. In this case, a meticulous lawyer may demand an examination of the document or even refuse to provide services, arguing that such a marriage certificate is invalid.

Of course, the legislation of the Russian Federation does not directly prohibit covering a marriage certificate with plastic. However, it is useful to think carefully and weigh all the pros and cons before laminating such an important document.

Thanks to this reflection, many have come to the conclusion that it is better to try to preserve the marriage certificate on their own, without covering it with plastic.

For example, you can preserve a document for a long time without lamination if:

  • keep your marriage certificate in a small plastic folder;
  • insert it into the frame;
  • use a regular file to store the document.

All of the above methods for storing a marriage certificate have been time-tested and have proven themselves to be extremely simple, on the one hand, and, on the other, very reliable.

Video: Is it possible to laminate documents?

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What to do if the document has already been laminated?

If a citizen, out of ignorance, nevertheless laminated the document, then he needs to contact the registry office to obtain a second marriage certificate.

To obtain a duplicate, you must submit an application to the registry office, a receipt for payment of the state fee in the amount of 350 rubles and your passport. The application form and receipt are issued by the department staff. When filling out the application, it is important to clearly indicate all the necessary information, without errors or abbreviations, including the applicant’s data, the date and place of marriage, as well as the reason for applying for a duplicate. Either spouse can contact the registry office. However, if the spouse wishing to receive a duplicate certificate is incapacitated at the time of filing, then the documents must be submitted by his guardian.

If it is impossible to contact the registry office in person, you can authorize another citizen to apply to the registry office for a second certificate. To do this, he needs to issue a notarized power of attorney indicating the relevant powers. You can receive a duplicate on the day of application, provided that the application is submitted to the registry office where the marriage was registered.

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The law also allows the submission of documents through the MFC. The procedure is the same as when applying to the registry office, but the time frame for obtaining a repeat certificate is 6 working days. However, contacting the MFC is not possible in all regions of Russia, but only in those that have such centers.

You can also submit documents through State Services. To do this, the applicant must be registered on the portal and have a standard account with data confirmed in the prescribed manner. The applicant must also have a simple electronic signature.

When submitting an application via the Internet, a citizen has the right to choose a convenient way to receive a duplicate - by mail or at the registry office. The time frame for receipt at the Civil Registry Office is 1 business day. The delivery time by mail, depending on the region, can be 5-7 business days, and sometimes more.


Many people are interested in the question of how best to save important documents. Some believe that it is easier and more expedient to laminate the marriage certificate in order to reliably preserve it from mechanical damage. It should be noted that such a procedure is not advisable for the following reasons:

  1. Lamination of the certificate should not be used, since no notary will undertake to certify such paper.
  2. Covering the document with a special film prevents new stamps from being left on the paper, which in some cases are necessary.

Lamination, as such, is not prohibited. Evidence of this is the issuance of some documents already covered with film, for example, driver’s licenses, SNILS and others. However, processing paper yourself can result in significant inconvenience. Thus, when contacting government agencies or a notary, they may be asked to replace laminated samples.

An official who refuses to accept a document may refer to Article 2 of Federal Law No. 183 of November 12, 2012, which equates film coating to paper damage and requires its replacement.

In addition to the marriage certificate, the following documents are also subject to such replacement:

  • About adoption.
  • About changing the name.
  • Establishing kinship.
  • Birth and death certificates.

Thus, this method is best to extend the deadlines for those papers that are not intended for submission to government agencies, for example, certificates, award certificates, and letters of encouragement. Coating with film protects them from abrasion, dust and dirt for many years.

Russian passport lamination

My mother died in Ukraine. When issued, the Death Certificate was laminated there. This is A4 paper. I proved to them that it would be inconvenient for me to take him in this form to God knows where. They didn’t listen, they said that according to their rules they are required to laminate it before issuing it. With this laminated certificate, I grabbed a bunch of grief in the Zagrebin Notary Office when registering an inheritance. They stubbornly argued that the document was invalid. It all ended with the requests being sent to Ukraine. And instead of 6 months, I entered into inheritance for almost a year.

7, Do not laminate documents! Some documents lose their legal force after lamination! Exception: insurance certificate. With your this weapon permit. The front part of the license is laminated, the back side is not laminated. since marks are placed on the purchase of weapons!

Modern technologies make it possible to quickly and efficiently laminate any printed product in the shortest possible time. Lamination enhances products, protects them from dirt, moisture, mechanical damage, protects against counterfeiting, and also enhances the colors and brightness of laminated documents.

What is it and what is the lamination process? Lamination is the process of covering a printed sheet with plastic. The document is hermetically sealed into a double-sided bag made of a special film for lamination, under the influence of heat transmitted from the heating element of the laminator.

Lamination of documents is carried out with thermal glue at high temperature. When heated, it sticks over the entire plane of the source. The process of laminating documents or photos will preserve valuable material media and expensive photographs in impeccable form.

The price of lamination is indicated in the table. Lamination of documents in St. Petersburg is carried out using film, which will subsequently preserve your documents in the same condition as they looked before lamination. Lamination of documents in the Kirov and Krasnoselsky regions is carried out faster than in the central region.

A pile of documents that must be carefully stored in separate files is an invariable characteristic of bureaucracy. In such a situation, the most necessary papers take on a very sloppy appearance or are torn. It’s easy to avoid the need to constantly update a set of frequently used documents - laminate them.

Document lamination is the coating of a paper sheet with a thin layer of transparent film. Depending on the desired result, you can choose a glossy or matte finish. Lamination gives official papers a presentable appearance, ensures their long-term use and convenient storage.

Lamination is, first of all, a way to extend the life of your document. To laminate a document means to protect it from external environmental influences. Document lamination refers to the process of “rolling” your document into a special transparent film.

The copy shop is also pleased to offer you a photo lamination service. If you want your photo to remain bright and colorful for a long time, then photo lamination will help you with this. You can always laminate A4 or A3 photographs with us; this service is performed urgently. Lamination of A2 and A1 formats is performed on a special wide-format laminator, but we can laminate such documents only with a delay of 1-2 days.

Removing the coating using a hair dryer

Laminating plastic is very sensitive to high temperatures, so you can try removing the film using a stream of hot air. For this you will need a hair dryer and a razor blade. The hairdryer must be turned on to the most powerful mode and perform the following steps:

  • Direct a stream of hot air onto the document;
  • Hold until the film begins to gradually come off;
  • Carefully peel back the laminate using a razor blade.

Which Documents Can Be Laminated and Which Cannot 2020

Are there really any restrictions stated in regulations? What is the real reason? » notary="» not="" has the right="" to testify="" fidelity="" copies="" of the document="" or="" extracts="" from="" it,="" if:=" " -="" document,="" surface="" paper="" carrier="" which="" laminated="" or="" hidden="" in another="" technical="" way,=" "does not="" allow="" to make="" an unambiguous="" conclusion="" about the="" absence="" signs="" of a forgery="" document.="" in="" judicial="" meeting="" applicant="" stated="" demands="" supported="" and="" explained="" that="" documents presented="" by him="" readable="" visible="" seals="" and="" signatures.="" doubt="" about="" authenticity="" evidence="" no grounds="" no.="" refusing="" him,=" "notary="" has exceeded="" its="" powers.="" requests="" to satisfy="" stated="" by them="" requirements.="" alt="Is it possible to laminate documents">

You have been warned about the amount of the obligation, no more than 30 has passed from the cost of the apartment or in Moscow, since in the absence of an application for a reasoned decision, the court will satisfy the plaintiff’s demands. All the best to you, B Tikhonov t, 7-913-487-20-55. Did you get a call from me? - these are scammers! I DON'T CALL FIRST

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Types of lamination film

There are several types of film, which allows you not to be limited to just one option.

Matte film - hides all printing imperfections as much as possible and makes it possible to write on a laminated document. It also eliminates glare well and tolerates various scratches and deformations of the photograph better than a glossy surface. The disadvantage of this film is that it is less saturated with color than other types, i.e. there is a “loss” of color due to the matte texture.

Glossy is the most popular type, unlike a matte surface, it perfectly conveys the entire color gamut of the document, saturation and brightness are the advantages of this type. But the disadvantages include the presence of glare, which sometimes makes it difficult to clearly discern the contents - the text of the document.

Textured - combines the two previous types in terms of characteristics: lack of glare, which allows you to clearly see the text, inherent brightness and saturation, and also more durable than the others. The only disadvantages include the high pricing policy of this product.

Types of lamination

There are two types - hot and cold lamination. What is the difference?

Hot coating, a more popular type, occurs by heating the film to 80 - 120 degrees Celsius, which forms a “bond” between the film and the document itself, holding them together.

Advantages of hot lamination

  • easy to wash;
  • quite durable appearance (depending on thickness);
  • effective protection against counterfeiting.

Cold lamination

The procedure uses glue that glues the plastic to the document; the work takes place at room temperature.

Unlike hot coating, it tends to delaminate, the material is not so durable, it is more of an option for a short term, with further replacement.

But not all types of documents can be suitable for a hot procedure; as you know, photographs and paper undergo heat treatment well, but, for example, receipts and tickets do not; therefore, a colder coating is more suitable for them.

Short-term durability and peeling are both a minus and a plus, in the sense that if you need to separate your document from the film, this will be done extremely simply and without damaging the paper.

Advantages of cold coating

  • no laminator required for operation;
  • one-sided lamination;
  • the film comes off easily and without damaging the paper;
  • more economical version.

What documents cannot be laminated 2020

This procedure increases the service life of printed products. After all, paper tends to wear out quickly. The film protects the paper from friction, dirt, moisture and mechanical damage. Registration of a duplicate Registration of a duplicate If a person has not thought in advance whether it is possible to laminate documents in Russia, he will have to obtain a duplicate.

In a person’s life there are many different documents that play a very important role in his life. Without these papers, it is impossible to obtain government benefits, move to another place of residence, etc. Therefore, when receiving them, some people try to extend their service life by carrying out a procedure known as lamination. Laminated documents can actually last much longer than non-laminated documents. After all, such papers are not afraid of either moisture or dirt, and they are almost impossible to tear, which is very important in our time.

List of Documents That Cannot Be Laminated for 2020

For example, a notary may refuse to record a transaction because the authenticity of a sealed document cannot be established. To do this, you will have to replace the paper, which means extra time. Therefore, it is not recommended to laminate papers. Sometimes people are interested in the question of whether it is possible to laminate printed documents. The legislation of our country allows this to be done with certain papers.

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Alternative ways to store important papers

Realizing that documents are often subject to deformation and contamination, many citizens try to protect them. In addition to lamination, there are other ways to ensure the safety of documents, which do not in any way affect the validity of government papers:

  • storing papers in regular plastic folders;
  • a stationery file selected according to size will perfectly protect the document from damage;
  • the frame is of a suitable size, it can be placed in a visible place, and, if necessary, the certificate can be placed in a file or folder.

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What documents cannot be laminated 2020

You can remove it via SMS or not use images and pictures on your business card - then the mark will not appear. However, I can’t figure out how to drag and install the image I have built in from my catalog to the place I need, because Answer: use a taxi business card template, in principle there are a lot of background images with cars - see. Answer: In Yandex pictures we look for an image of the coat of arms, save it to the Desktop and load it through the Image panel Write us this information at our email office: edwardswil quick loan and conditions.

The file with business cards will be sent to your email, save it on your Desktop and try opening it in Acrobat Reader. In general, there is a huge amount of paper now; it’s better to go to a printing house and look at samples. And please tell me, are several areas of action combined in one business card? I would like to have a business card, but at the same time interesting. But there are limitations: there is one Arial font without styles without bold and italic, that is, there is also one more feature - the line must end with a Hebrew character, otherwise it will not “turn over” in PDF.

Delamination of documents in

Guarantees: In 90% of cases, documents are brought to us with torn corners after an independent attempt to remove the film. We understand your desire to cope with your problem on your own and, smiling a little, we do our job. We give a 100% guarantee if the document is not particularly wrinkled and not in a super-thin laminate. All documents are accepted for work only after careful inspection. And if there is a possibility of damage to the document, we recommend local removal of the lamination for stamping. This happens if the document is in very poor condition. What other options are there? Right! You can experience the full power of bureaucracy when receiving a duplicate document. And this costs time and nerves for standing in lines and changing the birth certificate number, which leads to the replacement of all the child’s documents where this number is indicated.

Delamination of documents is the removal of film for lamination. If the document is in good condition without severe wrinkles or bends, we guarantee 100% high-quality work. Remember - doing this yourself at home without experience in such work can lead to damage to the document.

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