Previously, many things faded into the background, but in a confined space and with constant communication they appeared. Parents suddenly recognized their children, and at the same time each other.
Statistics of marriages and divorces in Russia by year until 2020: table
Legislative norms Marriage is a family union between a man and a woman, registered through authorized
Alimony to grandparents
Features of alimony obligations between family members
The alimony obligation is the foundation on which the legal relationship between the obligated person and
How to register a marriage in 2020 in the Russian Federation - types of registrations
Is it possible to marry relatives? Contents According to Art. 14 RF IC, marriage registration
Photo 2
How to survive a divorce from your husband and start a new life
The process of official divorce, regardless of who initiated the breakup, is unpleasant. However, the most difficult
Family quarrels
How to get your beloved wife back: from searching for reasons to solutions to the problem
Home / Family Law / Divorce / Psychology of Divorce Back Published: 10/25/2016 Time on
What methods are there for paying child support?
Home / Alimony / Methods and procedures for paying child support The legislation is quite clear
Fictitious marriage for Russian citizenship! Punishment, risks and consequences
Home / Family law / Marriage registration / Invalidity of marriage Back Published: 05/09/2017 Time
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