Maternity capital in 2021 for 2 children (changes, latest news)

In 2021, the amount of maternity capital is 453026 rubles. Families in which a second or subsequent child was born (adopted) since January 1, 2007 can obtain a personalized certificate. The program itself will operate at least until December 31, 2021.

Capital funds can be used in the following areas:

  • Improving living conditions.
  • Payment for the child's education.
  • Formation of mother's pension.
  • Compensation for expenses for goods for the social adaptation of disabled children.
  • Monthly payments from capital.

Many people are still wondering whether it is possible to withdraw 25 thousand rubles from maternity capital in 2021. The clear answer is no .
From 2021, lump sum payments from maternity capital are no longer provided. In 2021, the maternal (family) capital program (MSC) had the following significant changes:

  • A new direction for spending funds has been added - monthly deductions from capital upon the birth of a second child after January 1, 2018 (the right is established by Federal Law No. 418-FZ of December 28, 2017 on monthly payments).
  • You can now pay for preschool education with MSC funds immediately after issuing a certificate; you no longer need to wait three years after the birth of your second (next) child.

Maternity capital in 2021 - changes, latest news for 2 children


As noted above, the amount of the MSK certificate is 453,026 rubles . The amount of capital has not changed since January 1, 2015, the next indexation will take place only in 2020 , after which the amount of capital will increase to 470,241 rubles (according to the draft characteristics of the PFR budget for 2021 and the planning period 2020-2021).

The decision to freeze maternal capital was justified by the unstable economic situation in the country. Until 2021, indexation was carried out every year by the amount of the predicted inflation rate. As a result, the amount of the certificate established in 2007 (250,000 rubles) increased by more than 80%.

Annual indexation will be resumed from January 1, 2020 . 3.8% and 4% in 2021 and 2021 , respectively. Since these values ​​are noticeably lower than those of previous years, the size of the MSC will increase by smaller amounts.


Recipients of a maternity capital certificate can spend its funds in the following areas:

  1. Improving living conditions:
      purchasing an apartment or house (with or without concluding a mortgage agreement), purchasing a room is also allowed;
  2. construction or reconstruction of a house.
  3. Children's education:
      receiving paid educational services for educational programs;
  4. payment for kindergartens and nurseries, as well as other services for the maintenance, supervision and care of children;
  5. payment for a hostel during the period of the child’s studies at a university or other educational organization.
  6. Formation of a mother's funded pension .
  7. Receiving compensation for goods purchased for the social adaptation of a disabled child .
  8. Monthly payments for 2 children.

According to the law on maternity capital, you can apply to the Pension Fund for disposal 3 years after the birth of a child in the family, which gives the right to issue a certificate. However, to use MSC in some areas it is not necessary to wait 3 years, among them:

  • Repayment of obligations on loans or borrowings for the purchase or construction of housing. Matkapital can be used to pay the down payment, as well as repay the principal and interest on a loan or loan (including a mortgage).
  • Payment for preschool education for children.
  • Monthly payments to families in which, starting January 1, 2021, a second child was born.
  • Purchasing goods for social adaptation in the society of disabled children . The funds are provided as compensation for goods and services already paid for (their list was approved by Government Order No. 831-r dated April 30, 2016).


In 2021 and 2021, the possibility of providing one-time payments from maternity capital was not even considered . One-time payments were introduced to support families during the crisis period, which (as officials have repeatedly stated) is considered completed in 2021. After this, the Government no longer adopted anti-crisis plans.

The opportunity to receive part of the maternity capital funds in cash was provided to certificate holders 4 times:

  • in 2009 and 2010 - 12 thousand rubles each ;
  • in 2015 - 20 thousand rubles ;
  • in 2021 - 25 thousand rubles .

This measure of social support was popular among citizens, since the funds received could be used at their own discretion, not only in targeted areas. At the same time, there was no need to provide any reporting on the expenditure of payments. Many parents used this money to get their children ready for school.

A conditional alternative to one-time payments can be considered monthly payments for the second child in the amount of the child's subsistence minimum. So far, this is the only opportunity to get “real money” from a certificate for maternal capital. A mandatory condition for obtaining social support is that the family’s monthly per capita income should not exceed the subsistence level for the working population in a particular region.

Law on monthly payments for the second child

Program to support Russian families: who is entitled to maternity capital in 2021

The state assistance program for families with children continues in a slightly updated version. Therefore, the question is again relevant: who is entitled to a certificate for maternity capital in 2021?

Who gets the money and for what?

The program of state support for the demographic situation in the country has existed for more than 10 years. During this time, thousands of families managed to receive maternity capital. A valuable certificate in 2021 can be issued immediately after the birth of the second or each subsequent baby, provided that the parents are citizens of the state.

But you shouldn’t expect to spend money immediately after registration. A family can exercise its right after the child for whom financial assistance has been allocated turns three years old. In addition, the law provides for the targeted use of money allocated to the family; the expenditure is controlled by government services.

Who is entitled to financial assistance in 2021? The main applicant for maternity capital is the mother of the baby. The law also establishes the order of transition and receipt of maternity capital if unforeseen circumstances occur.

Until what time is it possible to use the money? They can be spent until the child for whom they were allocated turns 23 years old. In young families, the question often arises: is financial assistance available for the birth of a third or fourth heir in 2021?

The certificate can be issued under the following conditions:

  • after the birth of the second baby;
  • parents are entitled to family capital for any of their children, but it is given only on the condition that the application has not yet been submitted;
  • the right to receive money is allowed to be used only once;
  • An additional payment for the appearance or adoption of the third and each subsequent family member in 2021 can only be paid under a regional program, which differs from the federal one. Different regions have different payment amounts.

To clarify the regional conditions for receiving maternity capital funds in 2021, parents, guardians or adoptive parents should contact local authorities. The right to receive maternity capital in 2021 is given to a mother who has given birth to twins. According to the law, if the first of the twins is born alive, then the second is entitled to a certificate. There is only one caveat: children must be born during the period when the state assistance program enters into force.

Right to receive state support

Who is granted the legal right to receive maternity capital in 2021? According to Federal Law No. 256 of December 26, 2006, the certificate is valid for:

  • a citizen of the state (mother) who gave birth to or adopted a second or subsequent children;
  • a citizen of the state (father) who is raising a second child alone;
  • a citizen of the state (father) raising a second child alone, who was adopted after the adoption of the law;
  • to a father or adoptive parent who does not have a citizen’s passport, on the condition that the mother’s right to receive maternity capital has been completely taken away by court;
  • the child can receive the amount. This occurs when the sole father, mother or adoptive parents have been disqualified from receiving a parental certificate.

The father does not have all the grounds for financial assistance if:

  • the first child was adopted by him;
  • a minor entitled to government assistance was officially declared an orphan after the death of his mother.

Parents are not entitled to receive maternity capital:

  • if the court has made a decision to cancel the decision on legal adoption;
  • the mother or father was the stepfather or stepmother at the time of adoption.

Who else is eligible for a certificate in 2021? The right to receive maternity capital from guardians or trustees is not provided for by law.

The guardian can submit documents and an application for a certificate if the biological parents did not use it. The money will be divided equally among children whose biological parents lost their rights for any reason.

The guardian can dispose of funds only with the approval of government authorities; the guardian is given this opportunity only until the dependents turn 18 years old.

Death in the first week and in infancy

Any situation can happen, for example, the death of a baby. Is maternity capital due in 2021 if the child dies? The program clearly states the conditions under which maternal assistance is issued: a certificate is issued if the mother has another offspring following her firstborn. What to do if a child dies?

Until a certain time, babies in the second week of life had grounds to receive a documented certificate of birth. Thus, if a child died before this period, obtaining financial assistance became impossible.

According to Federal Law No. 241, it is permitted to issue a documentary certificate of birth from birth. Parents are given the opportunity to apply for financial assistance if the child died almost immediately after birth. According to another Federal Law No. 143, a child who died during or before obstetrics does not have the right to a birth document.

If the child died some time later and the parents managed to draw up a birth document, then the Pension Fund will not require other certificates. However, when there are no documents, it may be necessary to obtain a court decision.

If the parents only have a document in their hands indicating the death of the first or next child, then on the basis of it they can obtain state registration, after which they are given the right to financial assistance.

If a child died in the first week after birth, the Pension Fund is provided with a certificate drawn up on the basis of reports from a medical institution, which record the facts of his birth and death. Whether the parents' first or any of the children died does not matter. According to the law, if documents confirming the fact of the birth of the baby are available, the parents are entitled to a certificate to receive financial assistance. It happens that parents whose child has died need to write an application to the court to prove their rights and, if all the documents are in order, the decision is often made in favor of the family. For some time, rumors were persistently discussed that the program was being curtailed. However, they were not confirmed.

Until what year is state aid paid? Support for families as part of improving the demographic situation is planned until 2021 inclusive, which means that units of society who have their first baby are given a chance to receive financial assistance after the birth of their second. After the birth of the first child, assistance is not provided and it is impossible to issue a certificate. This is allowed only after the birth of the second or subsequent offspring. It doesn’t matter what kind of account it will be (the main thing is that it’s not the first), since you can use the money only once.

You may be interested in: Documents for registration of maternity capital



Over the past year, several changes have been added to the maternity capital program:

  • A new direction for using capital has emerged - monthly payments for the second child born after January 1, 2021 (inclusive). This social support measure does not apply to adopted children. Payments in the amount of the child's subsistence minimum are provided to parents until the child reaches 1.5 years of age .
  • In order to pay for the maintenance of children in a kindergarten or nursery, you no longer need to wait three years after the birth (adoption) of a child who gives the right to obtain an MSK (Clause 6.1, Article 7 of Federal Law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006)
  • The procedure for entering indications for the purchase of specific goods and services into the individual rehabilitation and habilitation program (IPRA) for disabled children has been Now it is enough to provide a medical certificate; there is no need to undergo a second medical and social examination (according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2018 No. 60).
  • Amendments were made to the federal law on maternal capital dated December 5, 2017 No. 372-FZ, thanks to which single fathers and adoptive parents from Crimea and Sevastopol (if the child’s mother died between January 1, 2007 and March 18, 2014) will be able to realize your right to capital.

Also, for families in which a second and (or) subsequent child was born from January 1, 2021 a preferential mortgage at a rate of 6% per annum or even lower (at the discretion of the bank). Although this innovation is not directly related to the MSC program, it is significant support for families with children.

How many times do they give maternity capital: we sort out the legal confusion

The issuance of maternity capital certificates is strictly controlled by the state. This is understandable: the size of this subsidy is significant, and it is given to families only if certain conditions are met.

The birth of a second or third and subsequent ones is an important condition; without it, receiving benefits is impossible. According to the law, each family can exercise its right to receive maternity capital only once.

The phrase in the law “On Maternity Capital” causes discrepancies and disputes, the essence of which is that the right to manage funds is given to families in which the second, third and subsequent child was born. Therefore, the question arises: how many times do you receive maternity capital?

Who can receive maternity capital and how many times?

The phrase in the law above does not mean that a subsidy will be given for each child born after the first. The wording in the law may not be entirely successful, but it is interpreted as follows: the right to receive maternity capital is given to those families in which, after the introduction of the program, a second child was born, as well as a third and subsequent ones. That is, if before 2007 there were already two children in the family, then the parents are not entitled to receive a subsidy. And if, after the introduction of the program after January 1, 2007, their third was born, then they will receive the money due. And if they have a fourth, then they will not receive maternity capital from the federal budget again, since they have already exercised their right by receiving a certificate for third.

But if they did not receive a certificate for the third, or they had twins, then they can submit the documents to the Pension Fund - the payment will be made.

Possible difficult cases

It makes sense to consider a few more special cases that raise frequent questions. When twins are born, the family has the right to receive only one maternity capital, and it does not matter which child it is for.

If the first child was stillborn, then according to the law it is not considered born. If he lived for at least a day, and there is evidence of the fact of his birth, then he is considered the first-born. Then, at the birth of her second child, the mother can apply for a certificate. If another child is born in such a family, formally he will be considered the second, but in the eyes of the law - the third. There will be no more maternity capital for him. If a woman had children from two different fathers, then she can count on only one maternity capital. For example, from his first marriage he had two children, and she exercised her right and received a certificate. With the birth of her third child from her second husband, she is not able to receive a subsidy again, although in fact this is already a different family.

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The situation is similar with men. If they are raising children - adopted or born from different wives - then they are entitled to receive only one certificate.

It happens that the recipient does not have time to exercise his right to receive a subsidy, but at the same time received a certificate. In this case, it is inherited by the second spouse, and after his death - by the children. If there are several children, then the funds are distributed among them in the same proportion.

The right to receive maternity capital is established by the Pension Fund. If a person disagrees with the fund’s decision, he can always seek help from a professional lawyer or file an application in court. Find out more about the procedure for obtaining maternity capital.

What's in the regions?

Regions may have their own fertility support system. Regional maternity capital differs in the variety of programs provided for the use of funds, the size of subsidies and the conditions for receiving them.

If federal maternity capital can be obtained only once, then in some regions it is possible to repeatedly use regional maternity capital. For example, in the Republic of Mordovia, money is paid for each child born, up to the fifth, and the amount of the subsidy increases each time.

There are programs, for example, in the Republic of Tyva, when you can receive maternity capital for the second time only after the birth or adoption of a fifth child, in the Altai Republic - after the fourth.

Regional authorities and local governments can help large families in a different way, not only by allocating funds. For example, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, for the birth of a third child, a free plot is given for the construction of a house. In the Khabarovsk Territory, after the birth of the third child, the state pays the balance of the mortgage if the family used maternal capital to purchase an apartment or house.

The law on maternity capital is constantly being adjusted, improvements and additions are periodically made to it, and the scope of application of state subsidies is expanding. Thus, amendments have been submitted for consideration that provide for repeated payment of maternity capital. Unfortunately, this intention has not yet found support among deputies, although the application of this norm would be quite logical.


How many times is maternity capital issued? It can only be obtained once in a lifetime. It is paid for the birth of a second or subsequent child, if he was born during the program period. The number of children born or adopted before this does not matter, nor does their age matter.

In particular cases, the Pension Fund considers the possibility of obtaining maternity capital. If necessary, the family can go to court.

Regions have their own programs to support large families. In a number of regions, you can repeatedly receive regional maternity capital or another measure of social support.



In 2021, the amount of maternity capital will remain the same - 453,026 rubles , and no new areas of use will be added.

However, some changes will still occur:

  • In the fall of 2021, bill No. 517377-7 will be considered, according to which the period for making a decision on an application for the issuance of maternity capital will be reduced from 1 month to 15 days .
  • From January 1, 2021, maternity capital funds can be legally used to build a house on a garden plot of land (dacha plot), provided that such housing is not a garden house or outbuilding. The corresponding law No. 217-FZ dated July 29, 2017 will come into force on January 1, 2019.


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