Additional payment of the cost of living for a pensioner in St. Petersburg in 2021

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The cost of living in the Russian Federation for 2021 for a pensioner is 10,022 rubles. If the cost of living in your region is less than the same level in the country, the Pension Fund will make an additional payment. If the cost of living in your region is higher than in the country, you need to contact the social security authority to assign an additional payment.

Since 2014, the main pension option has been the payment of an insurance pension. Its size depends on the length of the insurance period, the number of pension points, and the retirement age. The fixed payment to the insurance pension does not depend on these indicators. In 2021, the minimum size of the fixed part of the insurance pension is 6044.48 rubles. rubles per month.

Minimum pension in St. Petersburg

From 2021, the minimum pension in Russia cannot be lower than the subsistence level for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. If the pension amount does not exceed the subsistence level, the pensioner is entitled to a federal or regional supplement.

But in St. Petersburg there are also local cash payments to various categories of citizens established by the laws of St. Petersburg. They must be taken into account in order to understand what kind of money pensioners in St. Petersburg actually receive.

The social payment is set in the amount of the difference between 1.15 of the minimum subsistence level established for pensioners for the quarter preceding the assignment of the social payment and the size of the pension. When the cost of living changes, the size of the social benefit changes.

Living Minimum for a Pensioner in St. Petersburg in 2021

Citizens who have permanent residence in St. Petersburg and are recipients of pensions, who have reached the age of 60 years and older, unemployed women aged 55 to 60 years, disabled people of group 1 or 2, Article 66 of the Social Code of St. Petersburg establishes the right to appoint a monthly social payment - additional payment to pension up to 1.15 of the subsistence minimum.

Therefore, the cost of living established in a particular subject of the Russian Federation for pensioners is essentially the value of the minimum pension in a given region. PMP values ​​are approved annually, and it is already known what the minimum pension will be from January 1, 2021 . A table by region indicating the size of the minimum pension is presented later in the article.

Minimum pension from January 1, 2021

The current legislation in Russia establishes that the total material support for non-working pensioners cannot be less than the subsistence level. And if a pensioner receives a pension less than the minimum established in the region, he is assigned a social supplement. The size of this payment is equal to the difference between the pensioner’s monthly income and the PMS established in the region.

Table - Cost of living for a pensioner in 2021

Low-income non-working pensioners whose monthly income is less than the minimum subsistence level established in a particular region are assigned a social supplement to their pension. It is worth noting that when calculating a pensioner’s monthly income, not only the pension itself is taken into account, but also other payments - EDV, the cash equivalent of the NSU, compensation for housing and communal services, and so on.

Of course, this is the average temperature in the hospital. For some, the pension will increase by a smaller amount, for others by a larger amount. Well, the easiest way to calculate your pension based on the results of the January indexation of 2021 is to multiply its current value by 1.063.

Minimum old-age pension in St. Petersburg for 2021

The Russian government quite often names the national average amount of old-age pensions. In 2021 this is more than 14 thousand rubles, and in 2019 it will be more than 15 thousand. At the same time, for some reason, they forget about those senior citizens who receive the minimum payment. Although it is they who first of all need state support and an increase in pensions to a more decent level.

Unfortunately, the situation of such pensioners will not improve much in 2021, despite officials’ promises to increase pensions in the country by a thousand rubles per month. What will be the minimum old-age pension in St. Petersburg from January 1, 2021 for non-working pensioners, how much will it increase compared to 2021?

Let's learn about the life of Russian pensioners using a specific example of this, not the poorest, region.

How is the minimum old age pension calculated?

Strictly speaking, Russian legislation does not contain such a concept as a minimum guaranteed pension. However, in practice, a minimum old-age pension still exists, and it is determined indirectly through other provisions of the law.

of these norms suggests that the old-age pension in Russia cannot be lower than the living wage of a pensioner.

This cost of living is determined by each region independently. What is characteristic is that there is no uniform method for determining it. Regions take real statistics on the cost of the consumer basket for pensioners as a guide. Then some regions and republics include future price increases in Rosstat data, while others do not.

Be that as it may, each region of Russia is obliged to establish its own minimum living wage for a pensioner on its territory before the start of the next year.

This additional payment is called social; it can be financed both by the all-Russian budget and by the budget of the region itself.

It all depends on the level at which the regional authorities set the cost of living for a pensioner. If it is lower or equal to the all-Russian one, funding comes only from the federal treasury.

If the regional indicator exceeds the national average, funding comes from the local budget.

In general, in Russia the cost of living for a pensioner for 2021 is 8,846 rubles.

Minimum old-age pension in St. Petersburg from January 1, 2019

The law of St. Petersburg directly links the cost of living of a pensioner in the city to the national level. This means that the PMP in the northern capital in 2021 will be 8,846 rubles. This value will be the amount of the minimum old-age pension in the region in 2019.

In 2021, the minimum pension level in St. Petersburg is 8,726 rubles (all-Russian PMP for 2021). The increase in pensions for recipients of the minimum benefit is therefore 120 rubles.

The specified amount - 8,846 rubles - will be the minimum pension only for non-working pensioners. The law is based on the fact that if a pensioner works or receives some other income in addition to a pension, then he is not entitled to a social supplement. Even if the pension is below the subsistence level, the person generally receives an income above this amount and without additional payment.

But what about the thousand ruble increase promised by the state?

When agitating Russians for raising the retirement age, officials very often said that the pensions of current pensioners, thanks to this measure, would increase significantly in 2021. In general, pensioners will receive 12 thousand rubles more per year, which means the increase per month will immediately amount to a thousand rubles.

Unfortunately, these words turned out to be crafty and not entirely reliable.

We were talking about the national average pension. It is believed that in 2021 it is equal to 14.1 thousand rubles (sometimes they call the amount 14.4 thousand - officials themselves get confused). In January 2021, pensions in Russia will be indexed by 7.05%. After increasing the average pension by this percentage, it will actually increase by a thousand rubles.

However, the problem is that for those who receive a pension below the average, this seven percent increase will not mean a thousand rubles at all, but a much more modest amount.

Unfortunately, recipients of minimum pensions will receive nothing or practically nothing from this increase. For most of them, after indexation by 7.05%, the pension amount will still be below the subsistence level. The only thing that will lead to a slight increase in payments is an increase in this level in the region where the recipient of the minimum old-age pension lives.

In not the poorest St. Petersburg, as we just found out, the increase will be a modest 120 rubles.

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Who is entitled to an increased fixed payment in 2021?

This means that the total amount of material support for a non-working pensioner in St. Petersburg in 2021 cannot be lower than 10,280.30 rubles. However, it must be taken into account that the words “total amount of financial support” mean not only a pension, but also all payments and benefits in monetary terms that he receives.

Which residents of the Leningrad region are entitled to local social payments?

The size of this payment is determined as the difference between 1.15 of the minimum subsistence level for pensioners established in St. Petersburg for the quarter preceding the assignment of the unified social allowance and the size of the pension. The calculation takes into account the amount of all pensions and additional payments to pensions.

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At the end of 2021 The federal government, and after it the local authorities of many Russian regions, adopted resolutions to increase the cost of living in the coming 2021. St. Petersburg did not stand aside either, where the regional legislative assembly adopted a resolution to increase this socio-economic indicator.

Minimum pension amount in St. Petersburg 2020

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev speaks quite cautiously about the current situation with filling the budget, with a moderate note of optimism. “We are working to increase social standards, it will definitely be included in the 2020 budget, including pension payments, but we will not be able to go beyond the current capabilities”

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Who is entitled to an increased fixed payment in 2021?

The size of the living wage depends on the cost of a set of essential goods and services, and directly affects a number of social benefits. Regarding pensioners, this is the amount of the minimum old-age pension and additional social benefits. Due to rising prices for products, goods and services, the size of pension payments is regularly indexed in the Russian Federation.

The cost of living in St. Petersburg in 2021

  • January 1 – fixed payments to non-working pensioners will increase by 6.3% . In total, 40.2 million people fall into this category, and the size of the basic old-age pension after indexation will be 6,044 rubles .
  • August 1 – indexation of payments for employed pensioners is planned. The amount of the increase will depend on the number of pension points they have earned during the past year. The minimum increase in monetary terms will be 3 pension points. The recalculation will be made automatically, and working pensioners will not need to provide any certificates or statements to the Pension Fund.
  • August 1. This month it is also planned to index the funded pension for those citizens who have it. There is no exact information yet about the specific amount of indexation.
  • October 1st. There will be an indexation of pensions of former employees of law enforcement agencies - the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB, etc. Monthly payments for security officials who have retired will increase by 3.7%.
  • From February to November, pensions for pilots and miners will be indexed separately. The increase in payment will occur on an individual basis, depending on a number of parameters, such as total insurance experience, harmful experience, etc.

Increased pensions are granted to citizens who have worked in rural areas for more than 30 years. The surcharge is a quarter of the fixed payment from the insurance pension. In 2021 it is 1,511 rubles. The additional payment is assigned automatically according to the data of the pension department.

Living wage in St. Petersburg for 2019

The minimum wage in Russia has increased since January 1, 2021, and amounted to 11,280 rubles. Now the minimum wage in the country has become equal to the subsistence level and has begun to satisfy the basic needs of a person, ensuring his survival in society.

Each region has its own characteristics (climatic conditions, cost of living, economic situation, etc.), which cannot but make adjustments to the formation of the minimum wage. We'll talk about this below.

The main function of the living wage is to form the basis for calculating the minimum wage. Since 2021, when compiling the federal minimum wage, PM indicators have been taken into account and brought into compliance.

Each region has the right to set its own minimum wage. The main thing is that its indicator is not lower than the federal one. All this is regulated by Article 133.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

As for St. Petersburg, as of January 1, 2019, the minimum wage in the region was about 18,000 rubles. This is much higher than the Russian average, and cannot but please residents of the cultural capital.

What documents are intended to regulate PM

There are three fundamental documents regulating the formation of the living wage in St. Petersburg:

  • Federal Law “On PM” No. 134;
  • Decree of the government of the city of St. Petersburg No. 479 dated March 30, 2004 “On establishing the size of the monthly minimum wage per capita and for the main social strata of the population”;
  • City Law No. 761-135 (December 25, 2013) “On the consumer basket.”

From January 1, 2021, by special decree of the St. Petersburg government No. 930 (December 11, 2021), the subsistence level was established. It was based on PM indicators for the third quarter of the previous year.

The calculation of PM indicators is carried out both per capita and for the three main social strata separately:

  • Living wage in the Penza region
  • the overall average per capita is 11 thousand 55 rubles. 20 kopecks;
  • the average per capita indicator calculated for able-bodied citizens is 12 thousand 118 rubles 20 kopecks;
  • the average per capita indicator calculated for people of retirement age is 8 thousand 981 rubles 00 kopecks;
  • The average per capita figure for children is 10 thousand 783 rubles. 60 kopecks

What does PM consist of?

The size of the subsistence level is based on the cost of the food part - the minimum consumer basket (the minimum food set necessary for normal living of a person), which is about half of the subsistence level, and the non-food part (medicines, utilities, transport, etc.).

For a long time now, there have been fierce debates on the topic of both revising the general principle of dividing costs when drawing up PM, and on the topic of revising the composition of the consumer basket itself, which has not changed since 2012.

It is also criticized that the list does not include expenses that every modern person simply cannot help but make (payment for cellular communications, hairdresser services, dental services, etc.).

In what calculations is PM used?

A living wage is needed not only when calculating the minimum wage. It is used in a number of other cases, they will be listed below:

  • PM is taken into account when calculating pensions. If the pension amount is below the established minimum, then through certain legal mechanisms an additional payment to the pensioner is made to the required level;
  • when calculating child benefits. In the event that the average per capita family income does not reach one and a half times the minimum wage for the second quarter of the previous year, then such a family has the right to payments from the state from maternity capital, if there is a basis for providing it;
  • PM is also needed when determining the amount of scholarships for students of universities and secondary vocational education institutions;
  • when establishing the amount of benefits and subsidies for citizens of the “poor” category. When providing certain documents, a citizen whose income does not reach the subsistence level has the right to receive assistance from the state in the form of subsidies, reductions in utility bills, etc.;
  • in addition, PM is used when calculating the amount of unemployment benefits, vacation and maternity payments;
  • As for government agencies, PM is also needed when planning and calculating local and federal budgets.

In 2021, the cost of living did not fluctuate much, as inflation was very low and taxes remained at the same level. But 2021 may change the current picture. Due to the increase in VAT from 18% to 20%, not only prices for goods included in the consumer basket, but also prices for housing and communal services tariffs may increase significantly.

Payments to rural residents

Increased pensions are paid to residents of the Far North or equivalent territories, as well as to citizens who have worked there for a long time. An important condition for the bonuses is the total insurance period: 25 years for men and 20 for women. The period of work in harsh climatic areas should be from 15 years in the Far North or 20 years in areas equivalent to it.

Increases to pensions of citizens over 80 years of age and disabled people

  • discount on solid fuel or its provision completely free of charge;
  • cash, food packages, basic necessities for low-income pensioners;
  • additional leave for working pensioners.

The new law will come into force on January 1, 2021, but what the cost of living will be in St. Petersburg in 2021 from January 1 is not yet reliably known. The bill provides only the calculation procedure (without specific methods); figures by region are not indicated. Therefore, the latest current indicator is for the 3rd quarter of 2020.

What is a living wage and how is it determined?

Bill No. 1027748-7 introduced proposals for a new procedure for calculating PM. It will be determined not on the basis of the consumer basket, but on the basis of the average median income. And the average per capita median income is the amount of income in relation to which half of Russians have less income, and half have more. A specific method for determining it will still be developed. This indicator will become the basis of all calculations. The PM will be introduced once a year; there will be no separate PM for pensioners.

How is the cost of living calculated now?

As the situation changes, the PM is periodically adjusted. The size of the subsistence minimum is set in accordance with average consumer prices for goods and services from the consumer basket. The subsistence minimum is widely used in state social policy.

  • the complaint is submitted in writing on paper or electronically to the Administration.
  • a complaint can be sent by mail, through a division of the St. Petersburg state government institution “Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services” (MFC), using the Internet information and telecommunications network, the official website of the Administration of St. Petersburg ( ), the Unified Portal of state and municipal services (functions) ( or the Portal (, and can also be accepted upon personal reception of the applicant.

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Documents submitted by the applicant

  • violation of the deadline for registering the applicant’s request for the provision of a public service.
  • violation of the deadline for the provision of public services.
  • requesting from the applicant documents not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for the provision of public services.
  • refusal to accept documents, the submission of which is provided for by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services, from the applicant.
  • refusal to provide a public service, if the grounds for refusal are not provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • requesting from the applicant, when providing a public service, a fee not provided for by the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • refusal of the Administration providing the public service, an official of the Administration providing the public service, to correct typos and errors in the documents issued as a result of the provision of the public service, or violation of the established deadline for such corrections.

Procedure for the authorized organization

  1. For citizens who are recipients of social payments - if, within three months from the date of suspension of the provision of unified social contributions, the amount of the citizen’s pension has become less than the amount up to which unified social contributions are issued, or data on the amount of the pension has been received since the 1st day of the month in which the amount of the pension did not exceed the amount , up to which ERUs are produced.
  2. For disabled people of group I or II, - when a citizen submits documents confirming the right to social benefits, or the ESRN receives data on the determination of a citizen's disability for a new period within three months from the date of suspension of payment:
      in the absence of a break in the period for establishing disability - from the date of suspension of the provision of unified social contributions;
  3. in the event of a break in the timing of the determination of disability - from the date of determination of disability during re-examination. If a disabled person misses the deadline for re-examination for a valid reason, determined in the manner established by federal legislation, the provision of ESC is resumed from the day on which the citizen is again recognized as disabled, regardless of the period that has passed since the suspension of the provision of ESC.
  4. For unemployed women aged 55 to 60 years - upon submission by the citizen of documents confirming the right to the unified social contribution within three months from the date of suspension of payment. If, during the established three-month period for confirming the right to ESC, a woman aged 55 to 60 years was engaged in labor activity (regardless of the number of days worked), ESC is renewed from the 1st day of the month following the month in which labor activity was terminated.
  5. Citizens without a fixed place of residence - when a citizen submits documents confirming the right to an unified social tax, or receives data on social registration in the ESRN at the St. Petersburg state government institution “Center for Registration and Social Services for Citizens of the Russian Federation without a fixed place of residence” within three months from the month of suspension of payment:
      in the absence of a break in the terms of social registration at the St. Petersburg state government institution “Center for Registration and Social Services for Citizens of the Russian Federation without a fixed place of residence” - from the month of suspension of the provision of unified social contributions;
  6. in the event of a break in the terms of social registration at the St. Petersburg state government institution “Center for Registration and Social Services for Citizens of the Russian Federation without a fixed place of residence” - from the date of re-registration with social registration.

The decision on the implementation of social additional payment is made within 5 working days from the date the Pension Fund of Russia office receives information about measures of state support for the pensioner. Payment is made from the 1st day of the month following the month of application.

Pension payment schedule in January 2021

Schedule of payment of pensions, monthly social benefits and other social payments in January 2019.

Through post offices of St. Petersburg:

According to OPS 198218; 198326; 198411; 198517; 198325; 198327; 196140; 196621; 196631; 196625; 196642; 196644; 196645; 196652; 196632; 197229; 194361; 197730; 197729 pension payment is carried out: 3 – for the 3rd day; 4 – for 4 – 5 numbers; 5 – for the 6th; 8 – for the 7th – 8th; 9 – for the 9th; 10 – for the 10th; 11 – for the 11th–12th; 12 – for the 13th – 14th; 15 – for the 15th; 16 – for the 16th; 17 – for the 17th; 18 – for the 18th – 19th; 19 – for 20 – 21 numbers.

Payment of pensions not received according to the schedule is carried out until January 22, 2021.

Payment for the additional array is January 16, 2021.

Through branches of North-West Bank PJSC Sberbank:

Through credit organizations with which the Branch has entered into agreements on the delivery of pensions, monthly payments and other social payments made by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - January 16, 2019.

Payment for the additional array is January 28, 2021.

Schedule of payment of pensions, monthly social benefits and other social payments in January 2019.

Through post offices of post offices of the Leningrad region:

Payment of pensions not received according to the schedule is carried out until January 22, 2021.

Payment for the additional array is January 16, 2021.

Through branches of the North-West Bank of PJSC Sberbank: Through credit organizations with which the Branch has entered into agreements on the delivery of pensions, monthly payments and other social payments made by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation - January 16, 2021.

Payment for the additional array is January 28, 2021.

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Pension in the Leningrad region in 2021

Monthly cash payment

The bill “On Children of War” was supposed to come into force on January 1, 2021. According to it, citizens born from June 22, 1928 to September 4, 1945 should receive a monthly pension supplement in the amount of 1,000 rubles. The bill was never passed.

Additional payment after 80 years

The amount of additional payment to the pension is individual in each individual case. The amount depends on the average monthly earnings in the Russian Federation (including from July 1 to September 30, 2001), the applicant’s average monthly earnings for the last 24 months (any 60 consecutive months), the length of service coefficient, the average monthly amount of contributions to the Pension Fund and the amount of funds required to financially support the costs of paying a pension supplement at the beginning of the payment period.

Based on the cost of living indicators, the amounts of social payments and support measures for the population are calculated. This is especially true for calculating the social supplement to pensions. Since the cost of living in St. Petersburg is lower than the federal figure, social supplements to pensioners will be paid by the regional budget.

The living wage in St. Petersburg is determined in accordance with Resolution No. 479. At the moment, the living wage indicators calculated for the 3rd quarter of 2021 and approved by Resolution of the Government of St. Petersburg No. 1003 are in effect. Per capita, the living wage in St. Petersburg is 11,658 rubles .

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The federal subsistence minimum from January 1, 2021 is 11,653 rubles, for the working population - 12,702 rubles, for children - 11,303 rubles, for pensioners - 10,022 rubles. The following living wage indicators apply in St. Petersburg:

  • pensions, including in the event of a pensioner’s refusal to receive said pensions;
  • urgent pension payment;
  • additional material (social) support;
  • monthly cash payment (including the cost of a set of social services);
  • other social support measures established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in monetary terms (with the exception of social support measures provided at a time).

All non-working pensioners living in the Russian Federation, whose total amount of material support does not reach the cost of living of a pensioner in the region of his residence, is provided with a federal (FSD) or regional (RSD) social supplement to the pension up to the amount of the PMP established in the region of residence of the pensioner.

Who gets paid

In addition, when calculating the total amount of material support for a pensioner, the cash equivalents of the social support measures provided to him for paying for the use of a telephone, residential premises and utilities, travel on all types of passenger transport, as well as monetary compensation for the costs of paying for these services are taken into account.

If a citizen who has reached retirement age does not know how much he will receive and what minimum pension he is entitled to in 2021, he must contact the territorial division of the Pension Fund. After this, it will become clear whether he should count on an increase, for which he will have to submit a certain package of documents.

Therefore, the cost of living established in a particular subject of the Russian Federation for pensioners is essentially the value of the minimum pension in a given region. PMP values ​​are approved annually, and it is already known what the minimum pension will be from January 1, 2021 . A table by region indicating the size of the minimum pension is presented later in the article.

What will be the size of the minimum pension in Russia after indexation in 2021 for those who are already retired

The monthly income of a non-working pensioner must be no less than the minimum subsistence level for a pensioner established in the region of the Russian Federation in which he lives. This rule is enshrined in Part 1 of Art. 12.1 of Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999

For the working population, this amount will be 13,073 rubles, for pensioners - 9,664 rubles, and for children - 11,607 rubles. When assessing the standard of living of St. Petersburg residents, the authorities will rely on these figures. Also, the amount of scholarships, benefits and other social benefits will be determined based on the cost of living.

The basis for calculating the cost of living is not the cost of the consumer basket for the past period, but the average per capita income. In addition, now the cost of living will not be recalculated quarterly. It is set for the entire next year.

  • statement;
  • documents confirming periods of work;
  • documents confirming the position held;
  • documents on flight hours (for flight crew members);
  • documents reflecting average monthly earnings for the last 24 months or any 60 consecutive months worked.

The bill “On Children of War” was supposed to come into force on January 1, 2021. According to it, citizens born from June 22, 1928 to September 4, 1945 should receive a monthly pension supplement in the amount of 1,000 rubles. The bill was never passed.

Additional payment after 80 years

  • all types of pensions, including fixed-term pension payments;
  • additional material (social) support;
  • monthly cash payments, including a set of social services;
  • other types of monetary social support from the state.

Along with this, the amounts for citizens who have not retired will increase: the calculation coefficient will be 6.3% (98.86 rubles), and the amount of the payment provided will change from 5686.25 rubles to 6044.48 rubles.

Living wage for a pensioner in 2019

The size of the all-Russian subsistence minimum (LM) for the 1st quarter of 2019 was indicated in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 459 (dated November 29, 2018). The Russian Government determines this indicator at least once a year. When inflation rates are high, the number of changes increases.

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The amount of PM is not uniform. It varies depending on the social and age category:

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  • Pensioners.
  • able-bodied citizens.
  • Minor children.
Region name The amount determined as the cost of living for pensioners for the 1st quarter of 2021
Moscow12 thousand 115
Saint Petersburg8 thousand 846
Tambov region.7 thousand 811
Murmansk region12 thousand 674
Chechen Republic8 thousand 735
Republic of Crimea8 thousand 370
Chuvash Republic7 thousand 953
Primorsky Krai.9 thousand 988

Not a single regulatory act in the Russian Federation establishes the procedure for calculating the minimum pension amount. Even this term is not used. At the same time, Art. 12.1 Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 178 indicates that the total material support of a pensioner cannot be lower than the minimum wage. This provision does not depend on what payment the citizen receives: insurance or social.

A pensioner’s monthly income can be formed from the following income:

  • Any pension payment (social or insurance).
  • EDV, if the citizen belongs to the corresponding preferential category, plus NSO.
  • Monthly financial support (DEMO) for groups of citizens who have special services to the Russian Federation.

When the total monthly income does not reach the subsistence level, an additional payment is due:

  • Federal. The payment is made from funds allocated to the Pension Fund budget.
  • Regional. Appointed from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The minimum pension has changed since January 1, 2021, because... there was an increase in the cost of living in accordance with Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 459. This means that in Murmansk it cannot be lower than 12 thousand 674 rubles.

If the cost of living of a pensioner for 2019 is higher than his total income, the recipient has the right to a social supplement (Article 12.1 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 18). Only non-working pensioners can apply for it.

It must be borne in mind that we are always talking about the regional subsistence level. To make the calculation you need to add:

  • The amount of pension received.
  • All additional payments, if any (EDV, DEMO, NSU).

The latest pension news reveals changes coming in 2021. They will primarily affect disabled citizens receiving social benefits. Indexation is expected from April 1 by 2.4% - this amount of funds is included in the Pension Fund budget for 2021. Art. 25 Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 166 establishes that annually the Government of the Russian Federation must issue a resolution indicating the coefficient by which social charges are indexed.

Recipient group Pension amount
Persons belonging to small northern ethnic groups.5 thousand 304.57
Men after 65 years, women after 60 years.10 thousand 609.17
Those with 2 groups of disabilities.
Minors due to loss of a breadwinner.
Those with disabilities of group 1, those with disabilities since childhood of group 2.
Minor citizens due to the loss of both parents or a single mother.4 thousand 508.92
Those with 3 groups of disabilities.
Disabled children who have been disabled since childhood, group 1.12 thousand 703.82

Indexation will not be carried out from February 1, 2021, since pensions were increased on January 1 by 7.05%. The Government of the Russian Federation claims that this amount of indexation will increase the income of this category of citizens by an average of 1 thousand rubles.

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How is the minimum pension calculated?

The amount of the sum insured depends on the number of points and their value, and is calculated by simple multiplication. Thus, the total amount of the pension benefit will be equal to the sum of the fixed and insurance parts of the pension.

Minimum pension amount from January 2021

The government assures the effectiveness of this calculation method. For implementation, similar experiences of countries with stable social policies were analyzed. At the same time, it is noted that the transition to this accrual system will take a long period. The Ministry of Labor plans to implement it by the end of 2025. This is due to the growth of subsidies for the increase in the amount of more than 120 billion and complex technical and organizational processes.

May 17, 2021 vektorurist 676

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Minimum pension size by regions of the Russian Federation in 2021 - who gets paid more (List)

In the Ural Federal District, an increased minimum is established in the Khanty-Mansiysk and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrugs. In eight out of nine subjects included in the Far Eastern Federal District, the cost of living for a pensioner is higher than the federal one.

According to current legislation, the amount of the old-age insurance pension cannot be lower than the pensioner’s subsistence minimum, which is established at both the federal and regional levels: the minimum that is greater is used in calculations.

10 Jun 2021 lawurist7 451

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