106pa “On long-service pensions for persons holding government positions in the Moscow region, positions in the state civil service of the Moscow region”

A pension for civil servants is a payment assigned to female civil servants (federal, municipal employees), subject to the minimum length of civil service and reaching the age that gives them the right to receive a pension.

Civil servants, in accordance with current legislation, have the right to simultaneously receive a long-service pension provided for by Federal Law N 166-FZ “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation” and a share of the old-age insurance pension established for the specified long-service pension in accordance with the Federal Law Law “On Insurance Pensions”.

Federal civil servants include citizens who held positions in the federal state civil service, public positions in the federal civil service, and public positions in federal civil servants.

Civil servants

In the legal literature, public service is defined as activities related to the professional implementation, on behalf of the state, of socially useful activities by persons holding positions in government organizations. The civil service is regulated by the norms of constitutional, labor, financial and other branches of law.

The classification of civil service given in the legal literature seems to be universal and successful. Public service can be understood in a broad sense as the performance by employees of their duties in government organizations (government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations) and in a narrow sense as the performance by employees of their duties in government bodies. Taking into account the federal structure of the Russian Federation, the civil service can be divided into the federal civil service and the civil service of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Assignment of benefits to federal employees

People have the right to such security only under certain circumstances (death, disability due to health or due to old age).

Service pensions for civil servants are established in the presence of the following conditions:

  1. Civil service from 16.5 years (for 2021).
  2. Resignation for 1 of the following reasons:
  • reduction in the number of civil servants or liquidation of government bodies;
  • resignation from office due to the person’s resignation;
  • reaching the maximum age limit for holding office;
  • due to a physical condition that prevents continued service;
  • independent dismissal due to departure for a well-deserved rest.

Rights to state support arise for citizens who have worked for at least 12 months immediately before the payment is issued.

Important! This does not apply to those dismissed from a government agency being liquidated or among those being laid off.

Age limits for civil servants in 2021

On May 23, 2016, the State Duma of Russia adopted a normative act increasing the age limit for civil servants to retire. The law came into force on January 1, 2017.

Retirement age:

  1. 65 years for men.
  2. 63 years for women.

Raising the age limit applies only to working civil servants. Upon dismissal from a position, a citizen receives the right to an insurance pension (including early retirement), taking into account the previous age criteria.

The age limit for retirement will be increased in stages. From 2021, it increases annually by six months until the required level is reached. The maximum will be reached in 2034 for women, and for men already in 2028.

Requirements for old age pension:

Woman's year of birthAgeReleasedMinimum IPC size (points)Experience
1964 1st half year56,52020 2nd half of the year18,611
1964 2nd half year56,52021 1st half of the year2112
Man's year of birthAgeReleasedMinimum IPC size (points)Experience
1959 1st half year61,52020 2nd half of the year18,611
1959 2nd half year61,52021 1st half of the year2112

Civil servant Sergeeva I.V. Born 09/01/1963 reached the age of 55 years on September 1, 2021. She will have the right to an insurance pension only upon reaching the age of 56 years, that is, on September 1, 2019.

If Sergeeva decides to leave the civil service on September 1, 2021 or move to a job not related to the civil service, then the right to an old-age pension will remain with her as of August 1, 2018.

To acquire a service state pension, you must develop special experience.

Year of assignment of long-service pensionLength of service required to assign a long-service pension in the relevant year
201916 years 6 months
202017 years
202117 years 6 months
202218 years
202318 years 6 months
202419 years
202519 years 6 months
2026 and beyond20 years

The government sees certain advantages in this step:

  • maintaining qualified personnel, who are not easy to recruit due to the constant decline in the working-age population.
  • significant savings in the budget.

Calculation of the term of civil service

The civil service period is the summed duration of labor and activity that is taken into account when employees become eligible for such payments and when calculating the parameters of benefits..

Civil service experience includes work:

  1. in positions of the federal civil service;
  2. in positions determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

If a legal benefit requires work of some duration, it includes work and other socially useful activities that count towards the required insurance period.

Amounts of benefits

The volume of government subsidies is determined by Art. 14 FZ-166. Such persons are given a state allowance for working 16.5 years (in 2021) at 45% of the average monthly pay of a federal employee, taking into account:

  • age (disability) insurance;
  • fixed (basic) payments to the insurance pension;
  • growth determined by law.

The service pension increases by 3% of the average monthly pay for each year of civil service over 16.5 years.

Calculation of benefits volumes

The procedure for calculating the parameters of service record is defined in Art. 14 FZ-166:

P = (45% SZ - SP) + 3% SZ × St,

  • P—volume of pension service;
  • SZ - average wage;
  • SP - the amount of disability/age insurance coverage and fixed payments;
  • St – more than 16.5 years of experience.

The general parameters of service support and age/disability insurance pension, fixed payments to pension and the increase in fixed payments cannot be more than 75% of the average monthly payment of a civil servant established by Art. 21 FZ-166.

If the duration of service is sufficient to apply for benefits, then it is calculated on the basis of the average pay for the last service year.

Increase in benefits

Northerners and people living in areas with similar climates are awarded an age pension until the period specified in the law.

Such people are provided with increased fixed payments to their insurance pension by the corresponding regional coefficient established by the Government of the Russian Federation, depending on their place of residence, for the entire duration of their stay in this area.

Important! If you change your place of residence, the amount of social security benefits will be calculated without such coefficients.

Retirement age for civil servants

We are talking about state (municipal) employees and individuals holding federal and regional government positions, as well as municipal positions on a permanent basis. Let us remind you that the generally established retirement age is 55 years for women and 60 years for men.

This change applies only to working civil servants. As soon as a citizen is released from the position he is filling, the provisions of this norm cease to apply to him, and he can count on an insurance pension (including early) taking into account the previous age criteria.

Civil servants are...

A civil servant's pension refers to some financial payments from the state paid for work to those people who, before reaching retirement age, held certain positions in government agencies. The amount of pension benefits depends on the number of years of work experience in the position held by the employee during his professional activity. There are regional and federal civil servants who represent regional and, accordingly, federal government. Special emphasis should be placed on the fact that representatives of this field of activity are state employees, and their level of wages cannot be called too high. Accordingly, their pension payments are small, and although the authorities thought about increasing it, the crisis made its own adjustments to their plans, and measures aimed at increasing the pensions of public sector employees have practically not been carried out over the past few years.

What awaits civil servants?

Today, many are interested in what pensions for civil servants will be in 2021; the latest news on this issue is ambiguous and people want to understand the situation. It should be said right away about increasing the retirement age,

which, according to preliminary data, will increase by six months annually. In 2032, this figure will reach 65 and 63 years (for men and women, respectively). It is easy to guess that this will change the procedure for calculating the funded pension, but this can be discussed in more detail in the future.

When discussing the changes, it must be said that civil servants serving in the State Duma will be able to count on an official supplement to their pension only if they have worked in their position for five years (previously, this required only one year). According to preliminary calculations, such an event will allow the state budget to save about 600 million rubles, which cannot be called too large an amount, but it will be the next step towards stabilizing the pension system of the Russian Federation.

And even though the pensions of civil servants will not change much from January 1, 2021, the innovations adopted by the government will allow qualified personnel to hold their jobs longer, which will qualitatively improve the efficiency of the administrative apparatus. It must be said that the authorities plan to carefully monitor the situation that is developing today, evaluate the effectiveness of the decisions made, and change them if necessary, so it is recommended to follow the news.

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The fact remains unchanged that every civil servant can count on a three percent increase in pension if he has professional experience of 15 years or more. Authorities do not plan to increase the standard amount of this payment, because there are not enough financial resources in the treasury. However, you can count on the fact that its size will increase slightly due to annual indexation - multiplying pensions by the percentage of inflation (4-5%). The authorities do not plan to change the fact that the amount of pension payments for length of service will be 45% of the salary (subject to the required length of service).

Required work experience

The period of working activity required for retirement is established on the basis of the regulatory legal act on pension provision. According to the standard until 2021, this figure is 15 years. From the beginning of 2021, length of service will increase by 6 months each reporting period (year). If a civil servant has reached the established deadline and continues to work, he is entitled to a certain bonus. Also, the period of community service and other periods of replacement are counted in the length of service:

  1. Federal government employees.
  2. Civil servants of the constituent entities of the Federation.

For individuals from the Federation Council and State Duma deputies, in order to receive an increase to the basic benefit, the duration of work in their position was also increased from one year to three years. In this case, the benefit amount will be 55% of the official’s salary. To receive an increased material allowance of 75%, such a person now needs to work for at least 10 years in the specified positions.

Pension reform: Officials with a pension of 200,000 will receive another 15 thousand, and the rest 500 re

Residents of Omsk reacted to reports of payments to former governor Leonid Polezhaev of a gigantic pension, which exceeds the pensions of ordinary citizens of the region by 16-17 times, writes the local Internet portal BK55. They are planning to sue Polezhaev in connection with the recent increase in his pension.

“We believe he should be put on trial. For Fedorovka, where he buried a lot of money, for the metro, where he also buried money. And so they took 550 rubles from us, and they added 224 thousand to him. My pension is 15 thousand, I pay 4 of them for utilities, there is literally a drop left. What about him?” - said one of the city residents.

The fact that the ex-official continues to receive an increase in his pension of 224 thousand rubles, which was assigned to him upon resignation, became known in January. The average pension in the region is 14 thousand rubles. The media have calculated that 16 ordinary Omsk residents can live on one monthly pension from Leonid Polezhaev for a whole month.

An increase of 224 thousand? It's real? Apparently, this is why the pension reform was started, so that some people would receive everything and others nothing. An additional 500 rubles is just humiliation, it’s not 224 thousand.

It sounds fantastic, but it turns out to be real. And this is not the only thing that distinguishes “privileged” pensioners from ordinary ones.

Amount of pension for civil servants

When carrying out labor activities for the state. positions for 15 years, the pension amount is set based on 45% of the salary. In this case, the established 45% of the pension also includes the share of the required insurance pension. Payments of insurance pensions earned by citizens after graduation are not subject to accounting. services, as well as preferential payments that make up a fixed part of the insurance pension (due upon reaching the age of 80 or for disabled family members).

Every year the size of the service pension increases by 3%. However, the total amount of pension due to a citizen for old age, disability or length of service cannot be more than 75% of his salary.

Long service pension for civil servants

Without a time frame, a citizen has the opportunity to apply for an award (assignment) of this type of payment after the right to it arises. An application for a pension must be submitted to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) or to the Multifunctional Center (MFC).

It can be submitted independently, through a legal representative or by mail. When submitting an application by mail, the day of application for payment is considered to be the date on the postal stamp from the place of departure, through the MFC - the date of receipt of the application by the MFC. An application for this pension payment is submitted to the HR department at work. In this case, the name of the recipient is the Chairman of the Board of the Fund.

The period for consideration of the application should not exceed 10 days from the date of submission of the application or missing documents provided after submission. State pension payments are established from the 1st day of the month in which the person applied for it, but not earlier than from the day on which the right to it arises.

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