Which banks does the Russian pension fund cooperate with?

The procedure for paying pensions through Russian Post

To arrange a pension payment through a bank, a pensioner must do the following:

  1. When applying for a pension at the Territorial Authority of the Pension Fund, inform your decision about which bank you will use to receive your pension.
  2. Receive your pension certificate, visit the selected bank and open a bank account (on demand), a pension deposit account, a bank card account, or another type of pension account acceptable for crediting a pension.
  3. Write an application to the Territorial Authority of the Pension Fund and submit the details of the open account. The details include the full name of the bank, type of deposit, account number, correspondent account number and bank INN, BIC. Sometimes the Pension Fund asks you to provide a copy of the agreement concluded with the bank or a passbook.
  4. Then the Territorial Body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation organizes the delivery of the pension to the credit institution by monthly transfer of funds by payment orders to the specified details.
  5. Within 1-3 days, the credit institution credits the received pension to the account/deposit opened for the pensioner.
  6. The pension is issued from the account on any day after the established day of enrollment upon the first request of pensioners.
  7. You can receive funds at a bank branch upon presentation of your passport and passbook (if available), or at ATMs and terminals using a bank card.

Sometimes banks are more active when opening pension accounts:

  • The account can be opened before the pension is issued, but with the presentation of the received pension certificate at the time of the first receipt of the pension.
  • An account can be opened without subsequent communication of details to the Pension Fund. The bank will send this message to the Pension Fund itself.

Registration of pension payments through postal organizations is carried out at the Territorial Pension Fund:

  1. An application is written for payment of a pension through the Russian Post (if the actual place of residence does not correspond to the postal address of registration, then the number of the post office where it is desirable to transfer the pension is also indicated.)
  2. The pensioner is given a specific day for payment of the pension.
  3. The territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation organizes the delivery of pensions to the post office by monthly transfer of funds by payment order. Pensions not received within 3 working days are returned to the pension fund and re-transferred to the post office with payment of the next pension.
  4. You can receive funds at the post office upon presentation of your passport, informing the operator of the established day of payment.

How can I find out which banks work with the Pension Fund to transfer pensions? A list of banks with which pension agreements have been concluded can be found in the Regional Pension Fund. I’ll say right away that most commercial banks do not enter into agreements with Pension Funds for servicing pensions and therefore do not offer depositors pension deposits with registration of pension payment through the bank.

Name of the bankName of the pension deposit intended for crediting pensions from the Pension Fund of the Russian FederationInterest rate on pension deposit
Sberbank of Russia“Pension Plus” deposit3,5 %
Sberbank of RussiaSocial card Sberbank-Maestro “Social”3,5 %
RosselkhozBankDeposit "Pension Plus"11.50% or 10.50%
AK BARS BANKPension deposit on demand “Accumulative”from 0.2 to 1.2%
Bank of Moscow“Current pension” deposit4 %
Khanty-Mansiysk BankPension on demand4 %
CJSC "FIA-BANK"Account - Pension program8,75%
PJSC "Bank" Saint-Petersburg"Special account “Pension card”0,0%

And only Sberbank of Russia has extensive coverage of pension payments in all branches of its presence, which makes it the most popular and in demand among pensioners in this type of service. More than 13 million clients receive pensions through Sberbank of Russia. Sberbank has a number of undeniable advantages, which include:

  • an extensive network of savings banks;
  • an extensive network of ATMs through which you can withdraw pensions using a social card;
  • issuance of a savings book for a registered pension deposit in Sberbank;
  • Possibility of cashless transfer of utility payments.

Sberbank offers retired depositors a choice of two types of accounts to which pensions can be transferred. An alternative to the “Pension Plus” deposit with the issuance of a savings book is a card account with the issuance of

, also intended for crediting pensions and for which 3.5% “per annum” is also accrued for now.

Once again, I want to emphasize that you need to apply for a pension only through those banks that have entered into an agreement with the Pension Fund of your region. Some pensioners, having at the time of retirement, current deposits/accounts or debit cards in banks that do not issue pensions, insist on transferring pensions to these banks.

I’ll say right away that you shouldn’t do this, as it entails a certain risk, since you will have to control the complete and timely crediting of funds to the bank yourself. In addition, you will pay from your funds for the “cash-out” of pensions transferred to the bank at the bank’s rate for issuing cash received by non-cash means. And if there is an agreement, this bank service is paid for by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

What is important to know about the new pension bill

Agreements are concluded in order to increase the efficiency of control over the delivery and payment of pensions and social benefits on time and in full. Thus, it is the Pension Fund of Russia that insists on concluding bilateral agreements with banks, regardless of the status of their founders or shareholders.

However, already now there are commercial banks or regional branches of large Russian banks that refuse to conclude bilateral agreements with the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of Russia. The Pension Fund hopes that within a year the head offices of these banks will adjust this decision, given that pensioners want to receive their pensions through these banks.

Based on regularly received requests from citizens from Moscow districts, cities and districts of the Moscow region, the Pension Fund Branch for the city.

Moscow and the Moscow region are reminded of the constant attacks on fraudulent actions by unknown persons in relation to citizens, both older generations and young people.

For the current period, alarming signals have been received from many districts of Moscow and the Moscow region.

In this regard, the Branch of the Russian Pension Fund in the city.

Moscow and the Moscow Region reminds citizens that Pension Fund employees do not visit citizens at home, do not provide government services at home, and do not request personal information over the phone. Reception of the population on issues related to the pension provision of citizens, namely: obtaining and exchanging SNILS, managing pension savings, assigning and recalculating pensions, choosing a pension delivery method, obtaining a certificate for maternal (family) capital, etc.

GU - Branch of the Pension Fund for Moscow and Moskovskaya strongly recommends that you be vigilant and immediately report all suspicious facts of fraudsters contacting you to law enforcement agencies.

Features of selection and design

Plastic cards for pensioners have many advantages. In addition to getting rid of queues at the post office, older people have the right to take advantage of the maximum benefits that banks have prepared for their clients:

  1. Funds are available for withdrawal immediately, on the day of transfer from the Pension Fund. They are spent in stores or freely withdrawn through ATMs of the issuer and its partners.
  2. The owner of the plastic card becomes a participant in a bonus program organized by the payment system or the issuer itself, with access to discounts from partners.
  3. Depending on the chosen program, there is a chance to earn an additional amount with interest on the balance, including the possibility of saving for expensive purchases.
  4. If desired, funds can be easily transferred to other cards using the advantages of online banking or a terminal.
  5. To pay utility bills, there is no point in going to the post office or bank branch with receipts. By registering a personal account, you can make many utility payments online by entering your card details into the payment form.
  6. Unlike cash, funds in a card account are kept completely safe: they cannot be lost if the rules for working with cards are followed. If the plastic falls into the hands of criminals, it will not be possible to withdraw pension savings: one call to the bank with a report of theft is enough for the bank to block access to the card until the circumstances are clarified.

The transition to card services gives pensioners access to new opportunities, making payments more convenient, and also allowing them to earn a little more than their state pension. The choice of issuer determines how convenient and profitable it will be to work with a plastic product.

When choosing a product, you should pay attention that cards for pension transfers are not available in all banks. They can be found in the proposals of the largest financial institutions with a high share of state participation (Sberbank, VTB, RSHB, Post Bank). Other issuers cooperating with the Pension Fund are also ready to provide pensioners with special cards (Binbank, Tinkoff, Promsvyazbank, Otkritie, etc.)

To avoid disappointment with the card and take advantage of the maximum benefits, it is recommended to choose an issuer taking into account a number of criteria:

  1. The operation of bank offices near the pensioner. This condition is important, since in order to receive plastic you will have to visit the branch and fill out an application for release. Some banks provide remote issuance of cards with home delivery, but you should find out about the availability of such a service in advance.
  2. A wide network of ATMs and terminals will eliminate problems with withdrawing funds or replenishing your account, and will also help organize quick payment of utility bills with zero or minimal commission.
  3. Not all issuers offer interest on the balance. In addition, sometimes, in order to receive interest income, you will need to comply with certain conditions set by the bank.

If it is not possible to visit offices, information about available programs can be easily found on the Internet by going to the official pages of financial institutions.

To issue a card, a pensioner will need to present not only a passport, but also a pension card, especially if the client has not yet reached the age threshold accepted in the Russian Federation. Thus, pension cards are available not only for older citizens, but also for categories of citizens receiving pensions for the loss of a breadwinner or for early retirement.

After selecting the issuer and agreeing on the parameters for issuing and servicing the cards, they write an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, where they indicate the new details for the transfer. Starting next month, pensioners will begin to receive funds on an already issued card.

In which Russian banks is it possible to receive a pension?

The legislator provides the pensioner with the opportunity to choose a bank for transferring pension benefits at his own discretion. The only caveat is that the territorial branch of the Pension Fund must have an Agreement with the bank you have chosen. You can check this with the bank where you plan to transfer your pension.

Pension cards are issued by almost every Russian bank. Therefore, it is not necessary to keep your pension exclusively in Sberbank, as was previously the case. Since 2021, a mandatory condition has also been introduced - pension cards can only be issued through the Mir payment system.

Note! The mandatory transition to a national payment system for social groups of the population is protection from third-party sanctions and possible blocking of Master and Card Visa PSs.

Therefore, you can contact any bank. It is worth clarifying the terms of validity of the pension card and choosing the most interesting offer. Based on these parameters:

  • interest on the balance;
  • availability of cashback;
  • customer loyalty programs;
  • Withdraw cash from any ATM without commission.

If you are interested in receiving additional benefits from pension funds stored in a personal account, look for profitable options. And we will tell you how to transfer a pension from one card to another.

Where is the best place to receive a pension?

Social and pension cards have some features. Most of them are exclusively debit, others provide for the possibility of overdraft (“overdraft”). The issue until mid-2020 is provided by the payment systems Maestro, Mir, Visa and MasterCard. In the future, a complete transition to the Mir system is expected.


For elderly people, there is a special program for the free issue of “Mir” cards intended for crediting pension payments. Chip plastic provides an increased level of protection against unauthorized withdrawal and supports contactless payment.

Sberbank charges 3.5% per year on the balance with quarterly interest on the balance. Connecting to the bonus program gives you the right to accumulate “Thank you” bonus points and subsequently use them to pay for purchases in the affiliate network.

The conditions for working with the card include some restrictions:

  • free daily cash withdrawal up to 5 thousand rubles;
  • withdrawal of money at a branch - no more than 50 thousand rubles without commission;
  • per month available for withdrawal up to 0.5 million rubles;
  • when using devices from other issuers, 100 rubles or 1% of the amount are withdrawn when cashing out.

During use there are additional costs:

  • for early reissue of a card (if it is lost or personal information about a person has changed) 30 rubles will be required; if the issue is due to the expiration of the term, no payment will be charged;
  • if an ATM of another bank is used to check the balance, a commission is charged: 15 rubles for each request;
  • activation of the full package of SMS service - 30 rubles, starting from the third month of service.

After the merger of B&N Bank with Otkritie Bank, cooperation with pensioners in 2021 will continue under the Otkritie brand, however, for previously issued pension products, the conditions remain the same until the expiration date. When you first contact the bank, plastic is issued under new conditions: with free issue and subsequent servicing.

The pension plastic parameters are as follows:

  • within the limits of 250 thousand rubles, the client has the right to freely withdraw funds without charging a commission;
  • free SMS notification enabled;
  • 3% cashback is accumulated on non-cash transactions with the possibility of spending on the purchase of medicines;
  • deposit income reaches 4% on the balance.

The card is issued without a visit to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with the transfer of details for the transfer of pension payments. The bank independently organizes interaction with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation after receiving an application from the client.

To transfer pension payments to a Rosselkhozbank card, the client will only need an application to the Pension Fund. The bank does not charge payment:

  • per issue;
  • service;
  • SMS notification.

Pensioners who keep their savings in a card account have the right to count on a 6 percent increase in income due to accrual on the balance.

To withdraw cash, you will have to use an ATM of the RSHB or its partner. In other cases, the standard commission is 1% or 100 rubles. If there are no local ATMs nearby, they use devices from Alfa-Bank, Promsvyazbank, Raiffeisenbank or Rosbank for free.

"Pochta Bank"

If a pensioner is used to working with the post office, he will be interested in the offer of Pochta Bank, whose offices are located directly in post offices. Plastic is produced and serviced by the Mir system free of charge, but delivery to the selected post office costs 100 rubles.

The bank takes care of organizing the transfer of pensions to the card at the client’s request, eliminating the need to visit the Pension Fund.

Program conditions:

  • preferential cash withdrawals through the Pochta Bank and VTB ATM network;
  • interest income - 6%;
  • accumulation of 3 percent cashback with subsequent write-off for payments at a pharmacy, gas station, public intracity and suburban transport, taxi.

Pensioners served by Pochta Bank have the right to count on special offers for lending or storing deposits.


The issue and maintenance of Mir plastic for pensioners who transferred to Promsvyazbank is free of charge. Cards that support contactless payment methods are issued on the day the application is submitted.

Terms of cooperation:

  • crediting 6% of income to the balance;
  • 3% cashback when paying in pharmacies and gas stations, plus additionally Mir partners provide a discount of up to 20%;
  • connection of free Internet banking.

A separate offer is valid for cardholders classified as “combat veterans” and persons receiving pension contributions from law enforcement agencies:

  1. Free withdrawal up to 50 thousand rubles from an ATM of any issuer with zero commission.
  2. Within the limit of 100 thousand rubles, the pensioner pays bills for free and transfers funds within a month.

VTB (“multicard”)

If a “multi-card” is issued by a pensioner, to accrue up to 8.5% on the balance of pension contributions, you only need to go to the bank and write a corresponding application. The free card is supported by the Mir system with the right to free cash withdrawal at any ATM, subject to a monthly expenditure of at least 5 thousand rubles.

The bank provides a 10% cashback (depending on the category of expenses).

Remote transfer of pension to a card to another bank

The most important condition for your pension to be calculated using the new details is to open a Mir bank card in the bank of your choice. Therefore, first you can simply issue a pension card and take a certificate with the details. If your new bank does not send applications to the Pension Fund on its own, then you can notify the Pension Fund of the transfer of your pension to the card of another bank remotely. Options for applying online:

  • personal account of the Pension Fund;
  • portal "Government Services" if you have a verified account.

On the State Services website you can apply for a transfer from card to card of a pension benefit. To do this, you need to go to the website www.gosuslugi.ru and log in. After that do the following:

  • In the search bar, type “Application for pension delivery.”
  • On the page that opens, select .
  • On the right is the “Submit Application” button. Click on it.
  • Almost all the data will be pulled up from your profile, and you will only have to fill out the details of the new bank, taking them from the certificate you received. Click "Submit".

You will learn about the successful processing of your application in your personal account, where you will receive a notification from the Pension Fund.

Which banks does the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation work with?

Every year, the Central Bank publishes lists of financial organizations to which the Pension Fund transfers funds for management. That is, an agreement has been concluded with these banks for the transfer of pensions, and the pensioner does not have to worry about the safety of the pension.

Table 1. Financial institutions eligible for pension transfers in 2021

"Asia-Pacific Bank""OTP Bank"Bank "Russia"
"Alfa Bank"Bank "Peresvet""Roseximbank"
Bank "Saint-Petersburg""Post Bank"Sberbank of Russia
"BM-Bank""Raiffeisenbank""Northern Sea Route"
"All-Russian Regional Development Bank""Rosbank""Sovcombank"
VTB"Rosevrobank"FC Otkritie
"Credit Bank of Moscow""Russian National Commercial Bank""UniCredit Bank"

The requirements for such institutions are established by Government Decree No. 761 of December 13, 2006. Before concluding a contract, their activities are assessed against the basic requirements and additional criteria for financial institutions.

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