Reasons why the pension came in less than usual and what to do about it

The pension did not arrive on the card: why problems arise

  • via Russian Post. In this case, either the pensioner himself goes to the nearest branch to get money, or the postman brings him money directly to his home;
  • through banking institutions. This method is much more popular today, since money is credited to a special card, which can be used for payments in retail chains and for withdrawing cash from any ATM in your city.

One of the main reasons why a pension may be delayed on your card is the lack of sufficient funds in the Pension Fund. In this situation, he either waits until the required amount of money is collected, or sends only part of the payments. The second case is quite rare, but sometimes you may still encounter the fact that the funds will not be transferred in full.


The amounts of state disability pensions for citizens living in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, in areas with severe climatic conditions, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation, are increased by the corresponding regional coefficient established by the Government of the Russian Federation, for the entire period of residence of citizens in these areas. When citizens leave these regions for a new permanent place of residence, the size of the pension is determined without taking into account the regional coefficient.

  • citizens who have become disabled due to military trauma;
  • participants of the Great Patriotic War from among the persons specified in subparagraphs “a” - “g” and “i” of subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Federal Law of January 12, 1995 No. 5-FZ “On Veterans”, and recognized as disabled;
  • citizens awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad” and recognized as disabled.

What is a survivor's pension?

The concept of survivor's pension includes many nuances, only there are several types of pensions (insurance, social, military), so first let's understand the basic terms.

The breadwinner is legally considered an able-bodied family member who provides for his relatives.

Dependents are considered to be relatives of the deceased who require financial support by law: either from the insurance pension of the deceased or from public funds. Dependents include disabled parents of the deceased (pensioners and disabled people), children under 18 years of age, and a non-working spouse.

Depending on whether the breadwinner worked or not, whether he was military or civilian, an appropriate pension will be assigned to his relatives. The pension is state support, its task is to help relatives left without a breadwinner.


The family consists of four people: father, mother and two children. The father (breadwinner) dies in an accident, the mother is left alone with the children (dependents, but with nuances). According to the law, if the mother was fully supported by her husband, that is, she did not work anywhere, then she has the right to apply for a survivor’s pension for herself and her children. But if she worked and is working, then she is not considered a dependent and only children can receive a pension. If the children are under 14 years old, then the pension will still need to be applied for in the name of the mother as the legal representative; upon reaching the age of 14 years, the child has the right to receive payments himself.

If a woman worked during her husband’s lifetime and, say, for some time after his death, but then quit or was fired, she is not entitled to a survivor’s pension, since she is not considered a dependent. She had to be disabled at the time of her husband's death and be his dependent.

Survivor's pensions are regulated by the following laws:

  • Article 10 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ (as amended on March 6, 2019) “On Insurance Pensions” provides a detailed explanation of who can receive a survivor’s pension and on what grounds;
  • “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation” dated December 15, 2001 No. 166-FZ;
  • On pension provision for military personnel and members of their families dated February 12, 1993 No. 4468-1.

Pension supplements: what you need to know about your rights if you are recognized as a group 3 disabled person

The appointment date, that is, the time from which the additional payment is paid, will be the one when the PF specialist registers the application of the disabled person, that is, the day of submission. This is an important point - if the regulations for assigning the basic pension allow you to go back by date and assign it from the day the medical and social examination recognized disability, then in the case of EDV you need to rush to submit an application on the same day when the ITU certificate is received so as not to suffer financially.

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Every citizen of the Russian Federation who has been examined at medical and social examination institutions in connection with deteriorating health and has received the appropriate document - a certificate from the ITU body, has the right to be assigned a labor or social disability pension and a certain additional payment, called a monthly cash payment.

If you haven’t transferred your pension to your Sberbank card: what to do and where to go

  • obtain information about transactions performed on the card account for a certain period. It is necessary for the bank to issue confirmation that the pension was not credited;
  • if the report contains confirmation that the funds were not credited, contact the bank again to obtain a certificate of the bank account details of your card;
  • further search for pension contributions should be sought through the Pension Fund, which is the sender of the payment. You will need the documents received from Sberbank to apply to the Pension Fund.
  • the social card does NOT require payment for service;
  • Sberbank charges additional interest on the card;
  • You can find out about the receipt of your pension without leaving your home by using a special notification service via SMS;
  • A social card allows you to make utility and other types of payments with great convenience.

Why the survivor’s pension did not arrive or there was a delay in payments, and what to do about it

The state takes care of all categories of citizens. For orphans and those who have lost their main breadwinner, additional pension payments are provided, which, if not compensate for losses, then at least allow them to obtain means of subsistence. Pensions of this type are of both insurance and social nature.

According to the law, survivor benefits are amounts of money paid by the state in order to compensate for the funds that were provided by the persons living with the breadwinner. The conditions for assigning an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner are discussed in Article Ten of Federal Law No. 400.

Restoring the survivor's pension

To restore the survivor's pension, you will have to provide identification documents of the applicant, documents establishing the fact of death of the breadwinner, as well as a document that establishes the degree of relationship between the applicant and the deceased, as well as a work book issued by the former employer of the deceased - this procedure is mandatory for everyone. If necessary, you may need various documents confirming additional information - their names are strictly individual for each specific case under consideration!


If the survivor's pension has not arrived, then this may be accompanied by factors such as reaching the age of 18, or graduating from an educational institution.

When does a pension arrive on a Sberbank card?

This category of citizens entitled to monthly payments receive money according to a slightly different scheme, so the timing of transferring pensions to a Sberbank card depends on a number of nuances. This applies to a greater extent to persons with disabilities, who must annually confirm their disability. People with lifelong disabilities receive financial assistance like ordinary pensioners - according to the same rules and within the same time frame. The calculation of money for the category of residents who confirm their disability occurs according to the following rules:

  • incorrect preparation of a payment order by Pension Fund employees, due to which the transaction is interrupted by the bank and the money is returned to the sender;
  • uncoordinated actions of institutions when sending bank details of pensioners to the fund;
  • mistakes made when drawing up an application for a card and personal account.

Types of survivor's pensions

In total there are 3 types:

  1. Insurance. Issued by the Pension Fund. It differs in that it is divided into two parts. The first is fixed and is issued regardless of the work experience of the deceased. The second depends on the amount of points, which increases as the years of work of the breadwinner increase. If it exists, it replaces the social one.
  2. Social. Paid by the state and is the basis for determining the amount of civil and military pensions.
  3. State. The state helps the families of deceased cosmonauts and victims of the Chernobyl accident. To the first, it pays part of the breadwinner’s earnings, and to the second, a certain percentage of the social pension. This also includes a military pension - government agencies provide for the families of military personnel and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, whose death is associated with the performance of military duty.


An insurance pension is assigned if the work experience of the deceased breadwinner was at least 6 months.

The pension is assigned from the date on which the application for its registration was submitted.

Attention: the pension can be assigned from an earlier date. For example, if you apply for a survivor’s pension no later than a year from the date of death of the latter, then payments will be assigned from the date of his death.

Payments are intended for the following relatives of the deceased breadwinner:

  • Children, brothers, sisters (cousins ​​are not considered) and grandchildren, if they do not have able-bodied parents and either have not reached the age of majority, or have not reached 23 and are studying full-time in educational institutions of all types (including foreign), or have become disabled before the age of 18 .
  • One of the parents, spouse, grandparent, brother, sister or minor child, if they are not working because they are caring for the children, brother or sister of the deceased breadwinner who are under 14 years of age.
  • Parents or spouse, if they have reached retirement age under the new legislation or are disabled.
  • Grandfather and grandmother, if they do not have relatives who are able to support them, and have reached 65 (men) and 60 years (women) or have become disabled.

The insurance pension consists of a fixed and funded part. Fixed in 2021 is equal to 3022.24 rubles. in accordance with the law of December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On insurance pensions”.

The funded part is calculated using the formula: SP = IPK * SPK, where:

IPC is an individual pension coefficient. For each year that a citizen has worked with contributions to the Pension Fund, points are added to his Pension Fund account. Then the moment comes when you can use the points. In the case of a survivor's pension, this is the death of the point holder and the filing of an application by his relatives to receive this type of payment. The points for each year are summed up, and the more they are in the end, the greater the amount of payments will be.

SPK is the cost of 1 point. In 2021 it is equal to 98.86 rubles.

For children, increasing coefficients are provided when calculating pensions, for example:

  • for minor children or adults but disabled people, when calculating the IPC of parents, they are summed up;
  • for children whose breadwinner was a single mother, the IPC doubles.

Article 17 of Federal Law No. 400 also specifies other situations in which increasing coefficients are applied, for example, if the breadwinner worked in the Far North.

The sizes of the IPC and SPK change and the current ones can always be found in Article 15 of Federal Law No. 400.

Let's look at an example:

Alexey Ivanov was raised only by his mother, who scored 57 points over 30 years of work. Mother passed away. Since Alexey did not have a father, his mother’s points are doubled 57 * 2 = 114. Alexey is 20 years old, he has 2 more years to study at the university, which means he is entitled to a pension. As a result, he will receive 114 * 98.86 = 11,270.04 rubles. per month is the calculated value of part of the pension, in addition, since he does not have a father, he is entitled to a double fixed part of the pension 3,022.24 * 2 = 6,044.48

Total: 11,270.04 + 6,044.48 = 17,314.52 rubles.

And the size of the pension is also affected by benefits for residents of the Far North while they live in that area.

Adopted children have the same rights to receive an insurance pension as the natural children of the breadwinner.

Pensions are not awarded to those dependents who caused the death of the breadwinner. But this fact must be proven in court.


A social pension is assigned to the children of a deceased breadwinner if he did not have the required work experience throughout his life (more than 6 months).

The assignment and receipt of a social pension is regulated by Article 11 of Federal Law No. 166 FZ.

An important point: oddly enough, if the death of the breadwinner occurred due to the fault of a dependent, then the latter is assigned a social pension, and it does not matter whether the breadwinner worked at least for some time during his lifetime or not. If the breadwinner worked, then you need to clarify whether he paid insurance premiums during his lifetime. To do this, you need to contact the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund with an application.

The social pension is assigned to children under 18 years of age, and if they are studying full-time at a university (whether paid or free), then up to 23 years of age.

The size of the social survivor pension for children in 2021 is:

  • RUB 5,606.17 - if one parent died;
  • RUR 11,212.36 - if both parents died.

And from April 2021 the amount is:

  • RUB 5,751.93 - if one parent died;
  • RUB 11,503.88 - if both died.

A prerequisite is that a person receiving a pension of this type resides on the territory of the Russian Federation, that is, if a citizen of the Russian Federation lives abroad, he is not entitled to this pension.


Relatives can count on this type of pension:

  • deceased astronaut. This does not necessarily mean that the astronaut was on duty;
  • victims of radiation or man-made disaster. This includes large-scale disasters at enterprises, as well as transport accidents that resulted in massive loss of life and/or environmental disaster. The most famous, of course, is the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and the most recent major one is the sinking of the motor ship “Bulgaria” on the Volga.

List of relatives of the deceased cosmonaut who are entitled to a monthly pension. Each of them will receive 40% of his earnings:

  • children under 18 years of age;
  • full-time student under 23;
  • a child who became disabled before reaching adulthood;
  • parents of retirement age and disabled parents who were dependent on the deceased;
  • spouse (regardless of whether he can earn money himself).

The average salary of astronauts is about 170,000 rubles, which means that a dependent who is entitled to a survivor's pension will be paid a significant amount each month.


If the astronaut’s salary was 190,000 rubles, then 40% of his earnings amount to 76,000 rubles. There are no restrictions on payments, so this amount will be paid to the dependent, regardless of whether he works or not.

List of persons who can apply for a survivor's pension in connection with a radiation or man-made disaster:

  1. Parents who have reached retirement age, regardless of whether they were dependent.
  2. Minor children.
  3. A child studying full-time at an educational institution under the age of 23.
  4. A spouse, if he: cares for the children of the deceased who are under 14 years of age, or has reached the age of 50 (women) or 55 years (men).

All of them are entitled to 125% of the social pension.

Orphans and those who have lost a single mother will receive 250% of the social pension.

Let's look at examples.

Example 1

Maria's husband was a liquidator of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. He died in June 2021. Maria is entitled to 125% of her husband's social pension. Maria’s husband had a Group 2 disability. The size of the social pension for Group 2 disabled people was 5,283 rubles.

5283*125%=6603 rubles are due to Maria.

Example 2

Vladimir and Irina lost their single mother due to a man-made disaster. They are entitled to 250% of her social pension. The mother had a group 3 disability and her pension was 4,491 rubles.

Both Vladimir and Irina will each receive 250% of this amount:

4491*250%=11227 rubles.

Currently, victims of this type of disaster are considered to be those who, during the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant:

  • contracted incurable radiation sickness;
  • received a disability;
  • participated in the liquidation of the consequences.


We will talk about the following cases of death of a military personnel:

  • while on duty;
  • within 3 months after he resigned;
  • due to an injury that occurred before dismissal, but caused death after it.

Families of contract soldiers can also count on a military pension. The only difference is that the pension of conscripted military personnel is registered with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, and to assign a pension to contract soldiers, you need to apply to the pension authority of the Ministry of Defense.

The list of potential pensioners is the same as in the case of an insurance pension, but with the addition:

  1. Parents of a serviceman who have reached 50 and 55 years of age (women and men, respectively). Their son or daughter should be considered dead from war trauma.
  2. The widow of a serviceman who died from a military injury, who has reached the age of 55 and has not remarried.

If the cause of death was a military injury, then you can count on 200% of the amount of the social pension. In other cases - by 150%.


Sergeant Ivanov died in 2021 while performing military duty during combat operations in Syria, his widow is entitled to 200% of the social pension.

The size of the social pension in 2021 is 5283 rubles, which means she will receive 5283 * 200% = 10566 rubles.

Another example. Captain Petrov died tragically due to an accident while on duty - a boiler room near his unit exploded. Petrov left behind a widow and a small child. They are both entitled to a payment of 150% of the social pension.

5283 * 150% = 7924 rubles - this is how much both the widow and the child will receive.

For contract soldiers the numbers are different:

Each dependent will receive 50% of the deceased’s allowance if the breadwinner died due to a military injury or illness while on duty;

Each dependent will receive 40% of the allowance if the breadwinner died as a result of an accident while on duty.

Dependents will receive payments in the same way as in other cases:

  • children under 18 years of age or under 23 if they are studying full-time at a university;
  • lifelong retired parents;
  • wives until they remarry.

Those persons whose relatives served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and:

  • died during service or 3 months after its end;
  • died as a result of an injury received before dismissal.

If the breadwinner was already a pensioner and died, then dependents, in accordance with Article 28 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-1 “On Pensions,” can also apply for a survivor’s pension, but they must apply for it no later than 5 years after the death of the breadwinner and as a result of the termination of payment his pension.

The list of persons to whom this pension is intended is almost identical to the list that applies to military personnel. The only addition: the spouse can count on payments regardless of his age if he has a child of the deceased under 8 years of age in his arms


In one of the families, the policeman father died, leaving behind a wife and a 4-year-old child. The survivor's pension will be assigned to both the child and the wife and will begin to be paid from the moment of registration.

Let's say a child is 11 years old. In this case, a pension is due. But the mother will be granted a pension only when she reaches retirement age.

Pensioners under the Ministry of Internal Affairs include those who served:

  • in the police department;
  • in the State Fire Service;
  • in the National Guard of Russia;
  • in institutions involved in the control of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances;
  • in the penal system;
  • officers, warrant officers, midshipmen (conscripts) and soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen (contract soldiers).

Dependents will receive 50% of the allowance:

  • if the breadwinner died from a war injury;
  • if you have lost both parents.

The rest will receive 40% of this amount.

The pension amount is calculated as follows: (official salary + salary for a special rank + percentage bonus for length of service) × reduction factor × percentage of salary


In the Shcherbakov family, dad Sergei Ivanovich was a senior investigator with the rank of major. He died in an accident after serving for 8 years.

Let's calculate the size of the pension for Maria, the daughter of Sergei Ivanovich, who is 15 years old.

Salary for a special rank is 11,500 rubles;

Official salary 15,500 rubles;

Long service bonus 20% to the sum of the official salary and salary by rank (11500+15500) × 0.2 = 5400

The total amount of Sergei Ivanovich's allowance at the time of his death was equal to 32,400 rubles. Let's multiply this amount by a reduction factor of 72.23%. We will receive 23,402.52 rubles.

Since the breadwinner died due to an accident, the pension for his daughter will be 40% of 23,402.52 rubles, that is, 9,361 rubles. It will be paid until Maria reaches adulthood or until she is 23 years old if she studies full-time at a university.

What to do if your pension is delayed? Legal advice

If your pension does not arrive on time, the first thing we recommend doing is contacting your bank or Pension Fund branch for clarification. They must explain to you the reason for the delay in payment, as well as how long you can expect the funds to be transferred. It is likely that in a few days the delay will be eliminated and you will not have to contact higher authorities and write numerous complaints.

  • The name of the authority to which you are filing a complaint;
  • Your data (last name, first name, patronymic, address, telephone number);
  • The essence of your complaint (describe the situation);
  • Your requirements (with references to current legislation);
  • Date of filing the complaint;
  • List of attached documents.

What to do if your pension has not arrived on your Sberbank card

  • Sberbank. By calling the Sberbank hotline ( 8 ) you can get information about the latest transactions that were carried out using the card. If there are no transfers, you can ask the operator to double-check the correctness of the card details specified in the documents. If there are no errors, then you need to contact another responsible authority.
  • Pension Fund Management. By calling the Pension Fund (at number 8 ), the caller can find out whether transfers were made to the recipient’s card and verify the payment data (if they are available).
  1. Bank holidays. Banking institutions set their own working hours (but take into account the recommendations of the Central Bank). Typically, on the first working day after the end of a long vacation, pension funds are not transferred, which leads to a delay in payments by one day.
  1. Re-examination. In a situation where a citizen receives a disability pension, after each medical re-examination, payments are credited with a delay, since Pension Fund employees need time to process newly received documents.
  1. Difficulties with completing documentation between the Pension Fund and Sberbank. This problem usually arises when a citizen is due to receive his first payment. In this case, the only thing the pensioner can do is wait. In the future, funds must be received in accordance with the established schedule.
  1. Missing required papers or filling them out incorrectly. In such a situation, the citizen is given a list of all documents that he will need to submit to the bank branch or Pension Fund in the near future. The sooner this happens, the sooner the pensioner will begin receiving benefits.

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What are these payments?

In the regulatory framework, the survivor's pension is regulated by the following law - Federal Law “On Insurance Pensions” number 400, last amended in December 2017.
According to the law, survivor benefits are amounts of money paid by the state in order to compensate for the funds that were provided by the persons living with the breadwinner. The conditions for assigning an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner are discussed in Article Ten of Federal Law No. 400.

  • for minors - up to the age of 23, subject to full-time study in educational institutions (read about the age up to which a child’s survivor’s pension is paid here);
  • relatives - sisters, brothers, adults who were fully supported by the deceased;
  • disabled citizens who were also fully supported;
  • spouses and other dependent persons of the deceased (you will learn from this article whether the widow will continue to receive benefits if she remarries);
  • persons who received assistance from the deceased - a constant and main source of livelihood.

Why doesn't the survivor's pension arrive?

If the deceased breadwinner was a single mother, for her children the pension is calculated with the estimated pension capital of the deceased mother increased several times, or based on the doubled insurance part of the old age or disability pension, which was accrued to her on the day of death.

If we talk about the amount of payments to relatives of the breadwinner who live in the Far North and similar areas, in areas where conditions are considered difficult, the pension amount is increased by the corresponding regional coefficient established by the Government of the Russian Federation. You can count on such payments as long as you live in the specified areas; after leaving, the coefficient is deducted.

Benefits and survivor's pension

The survivor's benefit is intended for the following groups of citizens:

  • minor children who are left without one or both parents;
  • full-time students over 18 years of age, but under the age of 23, left without one or both parents;
  • guardians for orphans under 14 years of age;
  • widows of military personnel killed in the line of duty;
  • retired parents who lost their children during military or official service.

The survivor's pension is paid every month on strictly defined days. There are several ways to receive benefits:

  • transfer to a bank card;
  • independently or by proxy at a bank branch;
  • at home with the help of a social worker.

If the child has not reached the age of majority (14 years), the guardian or second parent receives a pension for the loss of the head of the family. After fourteen years of age, a child can receive benefits independently.

The survivor's pension is not paid for life. There are strictly defined deadlines within which the state is ready to support citizens in need.

Among the reasons for the end of payments are:

  • reaching the age of 23, which is the maximum age for receiving benefits;
  • completion of full-time study for any reason;
  • transition to correspondence or evening courses from full-time;
  • official employment.

In Art. 11 Federal Law No. 166 states that the payment of social pensions is made only to disabled citizens, children and pensioners.

The law allows for two types of pensions.

For example, relatives of military personnel may receive payments if a military personnel dies in service. If the breadwinner dies after dismissal, they are also entitled to a pension. But for this to happen, the disease that caused his death had to develop due to war trauma.

Also, two types of pensions can be assigned to the families of astronauts and citizens who died as a result of man-made disasters.

Persons entitled to 2 types of pensions are presented in the table.

The list of documents for obtaining benefits includes:

  • application for a pension;
  • passport of the person writing the application;
  • death certificate of the breadwinner;
  • the child’s birth certificate, which indicates that the father is absent;
  • evidence of family connection with the deceased;
  • work record book of the deceased;
  • certificate of the average salary of the deceased;
  • certificate of family composition;
  • certificate confirming that a disabled citizen is caring for children under 14 years of age;
  • certificate from an educational institution;
  • certificate of disability;
  • guardian's certificate.

Important! The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation may request other documents depending on the situation.

For family members of deceased military personnel, documents with the following information should be provided:

  • about the causes of death;
  • that death occurred as a result of an injury received in military service;
  • about the terms of service;
  • that the widow of the deceased did not marry.

For families of pilots and astronauts, you should provide:

  • documents confirming the Russian citizenship of the deceased;
  • to confirm the work activity of the deceased;
  • to confirm the fact of death in the line of duty;
  • certificate of the amount of monetary allowance.

It is known that there will be no changes in the schedule in this area. Russian Post will pay pensions from January 4th, as it should be in the usual schedule. The work of the branches will not change either. Credit organizations also do not say that payment terms will be shifted to other dates.

Khabarovsk region

Pensioners receiving payments on January 3rd will receive funds early, namely on December 29th. As for transfers to bank cards and accounts, no changes are expected here; they will begin on January 19 and end on January 24.

Many pensioners in our country will be pleasantly surprised in January. They will receive a pension not in the usual amount, but in an increased one:

  1. Starting from January 1 of the new year, insurance pensions for all non-working pensioners will be indexed by 6.3 percent.
  2. A new living wage will be established in the regions of our country.
  3. Working pensioners will receive pensions in the same amount; no changes are planned yet. Indexation is possible only after dismissal.

In January, almost 40 million people will begin to receive an increased pension:

  1. Indexation of insurance pensions is expected from January 1.
  2. Recipients of insurance pensions who reach 80 years of age in December will have an amount added to their payment equal to the fixed portion.
  3. Pensioners who retired in December will have their pensions indexed taking into account previously missed indexations.
  4. Pensioners whose pension will be recalculated individually, taking into account the length of service that was not previously taken into account.

In Russia, the bulk of pensioners are recipients of insurance pensions. Their payments are expected to be indexed from January 1, 2021. Insurance pensions will increase by 6.3%, but only for non-working pensioners :

  1. One IPC will cost 98.86 rubles.
  2. The fixed part of the old-age insurance pension will be 4 thousand 44.48 rubles. And the fixed part of the pension for the loss of a breadwinner and disabled people III gr. – 3 thousand 22.28 rubles.
  3. Pension Fund economists calculated that such indexation will lead to an increase in the average pension by more than 1 thousand rubles: from 15 thousand 457.18 rubles to 16 thousand 245.80 rubles.

Immediately from January 1, the amount of federal pension supplements will be increased by 6.3%. They are paid on the following grounds:

  1. Presence of minor dependents.
  2. Long rural experience.
  3. Long northern experience.
  4. Having a child under 23 years of age undergoing full-time radiation at the university.
  5. The pension and additional payments to it will increase automatically. There is no need to apply for this.

The survivor pension in 2021 has the following types:

  • insurance;
  • social;
  • state

Insurance compensation is provided if the person has no work experience. Its period is not important. State payments are made to the relatives of a military man or to the widow of Chernobyl victims. This category includes victims of a radiation disaster. Social assistance is established if the citizen did not have a job.

The following categories of citizens apply for registration:

  • minor citizens without official parents;
  • children of single mothers;
  • people who are on welfare and have committed the murder of a relative;
  • children of military personnel who took part in hostilities and died.

A relative is deprived of the right to receive money if he lives abroad. This also applies to children under the age of majority.

The size of the survivor's pension in 2021

The amount of the survivor's pension in 2021 is set by the state. Its size varies depending on the type obtained. Since 2018, the minimum amount in Moscow is 11,815 rubles. In 2021, pension benefits were changed to 17,400 rubles for special categories of people. This list includes incompetent citizens who have lost their breadwinner. Orphans without parents are entitled to 10,068.53 rubles.

Every 12 months, the ministry adds pension benefits throughout the country. In regions they also add a premium based on local coefficients.

The amount of the survivor's pension changes annually. From April 2021, indexation and an increase in payments by 4% are provided. If a person has lost a parent, he is entitled to 5,230 rubles. Full orphans will receive 10,480 rubles. For residents of distant regions, pensions are recalculated by the local government.

A survivor's pension is established for the following reasons:

  • due to the death of the breadwinner, which is confirmed by a certificate;
  • according to the testimony of the trial and the announcement of the death of a person due to his disappearance.

A person who applies for benefits provides personal documents. It is necessary to bring certificates of place of registration and residence. In addition, you need the child’s documents and his place of registration.

Further instructions:

  • prepare a list of documents.
  • visit the Pension Fund;
  • write an application manually or online;
  • collect documents and submit them to the company office.

For a child under 14 years of age, documents are prepared by guardians. The list also includes parents or adoptive parents. After 15 years, a person can independently use the money provided by the state as assistance.

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