Retirement age in different countries of the world: table


People born before 1947 retire at age 65.

For people born in 1947-1958, one more month is added to the retirement age of 65 for each year. Those. Germans born in 1958 retire at 66.

For people born between 1959 and 1963, retirement age is determined by adding two more months to age 66 for each year.

Thus, the retirement age is gradually increasing. Everyone born since 1964 will only retire at age 67.

Western European countries: Germany, England, France

The retirement age in Europe differs depending on the specific country. In Germany, provided that the citizen is not disabled or a representative of another preferential category, you can stop working at 65. Now the pension system is being reformed in such a way that persons born in 1964 and later will be able to leave service only at 67. Age limit the same for both women and men.

Retirement in France: the age in 2021 has been raised to 62.5 (without gender division). You must have at least 42 years of experience to receive all payments provided by law. If your work experience is not enough, you can work until you are 67 and still receive the full amount.

In the UK, from November 2021, both men and women can retire at 65. And in the near future, the authorities plan to increase the age limit to 67. An Englishman will be able to receive the maximum pension with a minimum length of service of 44 years.

If we do not limit ourselves only to the countries of Western Europe, but take countries such as Sweden, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, then the retirement age in European countries (table 2021) is slightly different (countries are listed in alphabetical order):

State Retirement in countries of the world (table for 2021), years
Belgium 65, but if you have more than 41 years of experience, you can leave at 63
Denmark 67
Italy 62 - if you have 38 years of experience, but in general the formula “age + work experience = 100” works, that is, with a lot of experience you can leave work earlier
Norway 67
Finland 63, but for various reasons you can leave at 60
Sweden 65, but some beneficiaries may leave the service earlier
Switzerland Women - at 64, men - at 65


Under the US Social Security Act of 1935, the minimum age to receive full retirement benefits was 65. In 1983, amendments were adopted to raise the retirement age to 67 years.

Persons born between 1943 and 1954 are entitled to receive full pension benefits at age 66. For citizens born after 1954, 2 months are added to the retirement age for each year. Thus, persons born in 1955 will retire at 66 years and two months, and persons born in 1960 at 67 years.

Which countries lowered the age and which raised it

As can be seen from the analysis presented above, most of the countries of the world are moving towards raising the age for receiving pension payments. However, this trend is not observed everywhere. In some countries, on the contrary, the age is decreasing.

Such a reform is being carried out in Italy. Now Italians become pensioners at 67 years old, but if they have 38 years of experience, they will be able to retire at 62.

The situation in Poland is somewhat different. There, back in 2012, a reform took place, as a result of which Poles had to become pensioners at 67 years of age. However, in 2014, the reform was canceled and now, as before, women in Poland retire at 60 and men at 65.

Until 2021, Russian citizens retired almost earlier than anyone else in the world. However, objective circumstances did not allow us to continue to ensure the normal functioning of the pension system without tightening it in the form of raising the age.

At the same time, Russian pensioners will begin to receive their payments at approximately the same age as most foreign ones. Increasing the retirement age is a global trend characteristic of many developed countries.


The retirement age depends on the year of birth, gender and number of children born (for women). For those born before 1936, the retirement age is 60 for men; for women it ranges from 53 (if she raised for at least five days) to 57 (without children).

For citizens born between 1936 and 1971, the retirement age increases annually by two months for men and by four months for women. For those born after 1971, the retirement age is 65 years.

Popular pension systems

At the moment, the vast majority of states use one of three pension systems, on which the size of the monthly amount paid to pensioners directly depends. In addition, retirement conditions may differ depending on the gender of the pensioner.

Among the common pension systems are the following:

  • individual-cumulative;
  • distribution - based on taxes paid by the citizen;
  • distributive, based on general tax revenues.

The retirement age may vary depending on a number of factors. First of all, this is life expectancy in a particular country, as well as the general economic situation. The accrual procedure also varies: in some regions, the length of service includes the period during which the future pensioner cared for newborn children.

Pension legislation trends

The economic crises that affected most countries did not pass without leaving a mark on the pension system. At the moment, one can observe a tendency to increase the retirement age, as well as equalize this indicator for men and women. In view of this, it is advisable to consider this value as unstable, which complicates calculations.

However, there are no significant changes in the pension threshold, which is explained by the negative attitude of citizens towards this issue. Since the size of the working-age population is constantly decreasing, and the proportion of pensioners is increasing, this approach makes it possible to maintain productivity at the same level , causing minimal damage to the population in terms of social guarantees.

Retirement age in Italy - what is it and what are pensions in this country, watch the video.

Features of the Russian pension system

Retirement in different countries of the world, as has already become clear, is constantly changing. Moreover, recently many people want to significantly increase it. The Russian pension system requires special attention. She often tolerates some innovations. Therefore, the population does not know how to behave. The majority do not rely on the state and try to save money for their old age on their own.

The thing is that a point system for calculating pensions has recently been in effect on the territory of the Russian Federation. To receive money in old age, you need to have 7 years of work experience and 30 so-called pension points. Depending on how many of these “points” a citizen has in his account, his pension will be formed.

They also want to raise the retirement age in the Russian Federation, and significantly. It is planned to increase the existing restrictions every 6 months for six months. And to bring the retirement age of women to 60 years, and for men to 63. They want to implement the idea by 2020-2021. Many people speak negatively about these changes. After all, some pensioners, taking into account the average life expectancy in the country, will never see their savings. Or they won’t receive them for too long. That is why Russia has proposed gradually raising the retirement age.

retirement in different countries of the world

The Russian Federation also has a funded pension system. In 2021, the funded parts of payments will be “frozen” until 2021. This measure is necessary - to get out of the crisis.

Modern tendencies

Each state tries to leave the pension system in a stable state. But in modern conditions, doing this is very problematic. In 2015-2016, the retirement age in different countries of the world began to rise. Or states began to actively discuss these changes. The global crisis is making itself felt - if we exclude pensioners, there is practically no one to work. The available funds in the treasury of each country are not enough for all expenses. Therefore, in order to replenish it, it is necessary to force the population to work longer.

This means that retirement in different countries of the world (the table will be presented) is not a constant value. It is recommended to constantly learn about these features. Perhaps pension reforms have taken place in one state or another!

Also, in some countries they are talking not only about increasing the retirement age, but also about equalizing this indicator among men and women. In any case, there will be no drastic changes anywhere now - such a step will lead to a general revolt. The population is not ready to abruptly postpone their legal vacation. Therefore, almost all countries began to slowly but surely raise the retirement age. So as to cause minimal damage to the population.

retirement age in different countries

Retirement age in different countries

quoted1 > > Retirement age in other countries of the world 11:15 August 16, 2021 1,581 From 2021, the Government will begin reforming the Russian pension system, starting with raising the retirement age of Russians. , providing for an increase in the retirement age, has already been adopted by the State Duma and signed by the President.

The government justified the need to make a decision on the issue of retirement age by the fact that Russia is one of the last European countries and republics of the former USSR that has not yet adjusted these values ​​to take into account the increase in life expectancy. The old retirement age standards in Russia were established on January 5, 1928. During the times of the Soviet Union, these values ​​did not change and no proposals for their adjustments were made. This issue first began to be discussed in 1997, when the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation submitted for consideration a bill on increasing the limit of the working period.

Pension in Denmark

Denmark is rightfully considered the best country in the world for retirees.

If we talk about Russia, at present, according to age, women retire at 55 years old, men at 60.

This is because there are no poor old people here; they lead full lives.

Pension size in different countries In Denmark, both women and men retire between the ages of 65 and 67, depending on their date of birth. The country is currently raising the retirement age; it is planned to increase it by six months every year. But residents say that they are just starting to live in retirement. Find out about this from the article on our website. The state supports old age and loves older people.

It is possible that this is why the average life expectancy in the country is at one of the highest levels, about 80 years. Anyone who has retired can expect that the payments will be enough for him to live a comfortable life.

If a pensioner has earned well all his life and left savings for his old age, then the state pension will be low. And those who earned

Retirement age in different countries of the world: table

Motroy Alena Author PPT.RU February 12, 2021 The retirement age in different countries is data of interest not only to economists and political scientists, but also to ordinary citizens.

The reform that started in Russia this year has caused excitement and indignation among the population. Many began to look towards Europe: they say, pensioners there are young, not like ours.

And after the news that the retirement age in Italy was lowered, readers were generally indignant. The editors of decided to figure out which countries have what retirement age. ConsultantPlus TRY FOR FREE Before we begin, we want to warn you: our task is to study the comparative table of retirement ages in other countries.

It should reflect current data (February 2021), based on information in open sources on the RuNet. If you have other verified information, we are waiting for your comments.

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