How to live after retirement. Psychologist's advice

From this article you will learn:

  • Why hobbies for retirees are not just a pastime
  • What activity to choose as a hobby for retirees - men and women
  • Can a hobby for retirees become a source of additional income?
  • What hobbies are the most popular among European pensioners?

Many people are frightened by the onset of old age and the inevitable retirement. Their imagination paints pictures of a boring and sad life without any interesting activities, poverty and lack of demand. But not everything is so pessimistic. You can spend time in an exciting and useful way at any age, and there are hobbies for retirees that not only improve your mood, but also become a source of income.

Why a hobby for retirees is not just a pastime, but something for the soul

Retirement sometimes seems like a long-awaited release from boring work. However, having become pensioners and having fallen out of their usual work team and schedule, people begin to ask questions about what to do next, what to devote their lives to. Without answering such questions and without finding new interesting things to do and do, many of them go into a passive existence mode on the couch in front of the TV. Fortunately, this does not happen to everyone: quite a large number of pensioners do not consider their age a death sentence, but, on the contrary, perceive retirement as the beginning of a new promising stage in life.

In the free time you have, you can not only revive your previous interests and creative pursuits, but also acquire new hobbies. As a rule, retirees find passions that have nothing to do with their previous work and lifestyle.

Hobby is a word borrowed from English and means a hobby, a favorite and enjoyable activity to which people devote their leisure time. Its presence has a positive effect on people’s lifestyle and mood, especially when it comes to pensioners:

  • Improves mood, distracts from stress;
  • Gives inspiration, causes an influx of strength, a thirst for activity;
  • Awakens imagination and creativity;
  • Expands your horizons and knowledge about the world around you;
  • It is a great opportunity to communicate with people and make new friends;
  • Increases self-confidence and strengthens self-esteem.

A favorite activity is something on which a person focuses his attention and energy, distracting himself from problems, worries and negative thoughts.

What kind of hobby can a retiree have?

Choosing a hobby is always an individual process, depending on the interests and inclinations of the retiree. For some, gardening becomes such an activity for the soul, while others enjoy fishing or knitting. But there are also more universal hobbies that are accessible to everyone and bring, in addition to pleasure, also benefits.

Books and art

Reading books, especially classical fiction, increases a person's intellectual and spiritual level. A man of mature age, who has already accumulated considerable life experience, discovers even familiar works in a new way. Additional benefits of reading include preventing senile dementia and strengthening memory.

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Getting to know literary masterpieces is a hobby available to absolutely every pensioner. This may involve using public libraries. Even poor eyesight is not an obstacle to reading, because today there are audiobooks.

You can also improve your cultural level and experience beauty by visiting philharmonic societies, conservatories, various exhibitions, and theatrical performances. Such hobbies and types of cultural leisure not only bring pleasure, but also involve pensioners in social life and interaction with people.

Sport is the key to longevity

Sports hobbies are a source of energy, self-confidence, joy from every moment of life and cheerful mood every day. There are special training programs for retirees, designed for those who are starting from scratch.

The simplest exercise for retirees is walking. Wear comfortable shoes and clothes to make your walk comfortable. Starting with short walks in the nearest neighborhoods, you can gradually increase the load and, if your health allows, switch to Nordic walking or hiking.

Nordic walking, or walking with special poles, is becoming increasingly popular as a hobby for retirees (especially women who are tired of spending all their time at home). You can get acquainted with this type of physical education and understand some important subtleties by watching the video recording of the master class “Teaching the technique and methodology of Nordic walking”:

A slightly more complex and interesting sports hobby is dancing. They have a strong impact on the pensioner’s body: they help develop a sense of balance, rhythm, endurance, strengthen the respiratory system and muscles, and better control your body. In addition, dancing always means new acquaintances and communication, which many pensioners miss so much.

Those who led an active life before retirement should continue to exercise, but treat their bodies more carefully and be careful when choosing exercise. Stopping all movement is very harmful for the body that is accustomed to it. If you had to part with your favorite sport due to health contraindications, you can always choose other, simpler and safer types of physical education as a hobby. In addition to Nordic walking, pensioners are recommended such sports hobbies as yoga, swimming, table tennis and badminton, golf, and cycling.

Read material on the topic: Walking for older people

Intellectual hobbies

Intellectual hobbies such as solving puzzles, crosswords and sudoku, logic games and memorizing poems are a great way to preserve memory, clarity and quick thinking, and prevent multiple sclerosis in pensioners. And hobbies like chess, dominoes or poker are even more useful, since they require a companion to play with. Usually a pensioner is kept company by his relatives or acquaintances, this brings families and friendly groups together and relieves pensioners from loneliness.

Old age is absolutely no obstacle for those retirees who are interested in politics. They can also take part in the activities of public organizations.

Nowadays, it is vitally important to have computer literacy at least at the user level. If a person has not had the opportunity to learn a computer and the Internet, it is not too late to do so even after retirement. Moreover, it is better not to limit yourself only to searching for information and communicating on social networks, but also to learn how to work in various programs (for example, graphic editors). This is not only an exciting and interesting hobby, but also an activity that provides many new opportunities for a retiree.


Unfortunately, the pension of most Russian pensioners is small and does not provide the opportunity to travel to distant countries. However, Russia also has many amazing places and unusual attractions that you can visit. Many categories of pensioners have significant discounts on travel on public transport, and travel agencies sometimes run promotions, providing older people with some discounted tours.

Volunteer activities

Volunteering is a socially useful hobby that allows a pensioner to feel needed and see the results of his own actions, make friends with new people, and spend time interesting and productive.

Writing a memoir

Even if it seems that your relatives - children and grandchildren - are completely uninterested in your experience, thoughts and memories, this may change in the near future, when descendants will enthusiastically read your letters, look at old photos from family albums and try to reconstruct and understand the era. in which you lived. The memoirs are consistently popular with readers and are a valuable source of information for historians.


Maybe all your life you secretly dreamed of learning to draw, but you never had enough time? If yes, then now is the best time to try! The most important thing in painting is effort and practice, so don’t be afraid to start learning how to draw, even if you are sure that you have no talent as a painter. In order to dive into this hobby, you will only need paints, brushes, a canvas (however, they can be replaced with a pencil and paper) and some free time.

Hobbies for the elderly

  • Sport. Active recreation is a useful leisure activity for retirees of almost any age, unless there are contraindications. Nordic walking, skiing, gymnastics or jogging are excellent pastime options for older people. In addition, you can sign up for a gym or fitness club. Now there are many easy programs to improve the health of retirees.
  • Work on a personal plot. A vegetable garden or dacha is a real salvation, an outlet for retirees. Working in the garden calms you down, relieves stress, and restores your mental strength. In addition, this is a great opportunity to get some fresh air and exercise. If you don’t have a personal plot, offer your services to acquaintances or friends - dig up, weed, water the beds. In the summer, few people will refuse such help.
  • Learning foreign languages. Purchase or download free audio or video courses and master classes to study in your free hours. This will strengthen your memory and prevent you from getting bored.
  • Cooking. A great hobby option for those who love to cook. Improve your skills, use special literature, online courses, master classes. Then it will be possible to sell cakes, pastries, and cookies of your own production.

Popular hobbies for retired men

Working with wood

This type of creativity is popular among male retirees. Having some knowledge and practical skills, you can engage in construction and finishing work, create and decorate furniture, and interior decorations. In addition to the visual result, which will delight the eye for many years, the process of woodworking itself is also important, as it gives a calming effect and trains fine motor skills and attentiveness.

If you do not have all the necessary tools and space for woodworking, you can choose a lightweight version of this hobby - wood carving. For it you only need a special knife and small blocks of soft wood. Wood carving is also great for calming the nerves.


Retired women usually grow indoor flowers, while men gravitate toward larger-scale gardening. Having your own plot of land and some simple equipment, you can start cultivating a garden. This hobby is not only an opportunity to realize design ideas, but also an excellent physical exercise in the fresh air, very useful for retirees.


This traditional male hobby remains relevant at all times. Unity with nature, the opportunity to feel like a breadwinner, the romance of wild places and excitement - these are the reasons for such a high popularity of fishing. And if young people who are busy at work can rarely afford to go fishing for their own pleasure, then retirees have much more opportunities to practice this hobby.


This is a hobby for retirees who know a lot about quality drinks and want to experiment in this area, creating something of their own, original. Brewing requires special knowledge, which can be gleaned from books or the Internet, and the availability of equipment - home brewing units, which can also be ordered on the Internet.


The starry sky always attracts the eye, lures us into outer space and awakens interest in the structure of the Universe. Nowadays, retirees interested in the topic of space can not only be limited to watching TV shows and reading books about it, but also study the night sky using their own compact telescope, which can be placed in their yard, on the roof of a house, or even on the balcony.

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Classes for women

Women are more relaxed about the retirement period, because in addition to their main work activities, older ladies pay attention to home life, grandchildren, cooking, and gardening.

In addition to standard employment methods, a woman should pay attention to herself, for example:

  • Take care of your body - during the period of work, many women forget about proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, so we recommend that you first engage in physical exercise, reviewing the foods you eat, and walking in the fresh air.
  • Self-improvement - it is in retirement that you have a lot of time to do things you love that you didn’t have time for before. First of all, you should pay attention to hobbies that train your brain activity. In this way, the elderly person will be able to stay healthy for a longer period of time.
  • Change the image - if you follow the first point, then soon the pensioner’s figure will become more fit, so the question arises about changing her wardrobe. At the same time, you don’t necessarily need to buy expensive things; just keep an eye on seasonal sales in your favorite stores.
  • Part-time work is another way to take your mind off the onset of retirement. Besides, extra income won't hurt anyone.

It is important to know! Indexation of pensions for non-working pensioners

Also, if you have experience in writing interesting and useful articles, see our vacancies section.

  • Own business – you can organize a mini-business. The main task is to find a product that will be interesting to sell. In addition, a business can become successful because retirees have a number of advantages - life experience and the ability to understand people.

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Meaning - it is worth highlighting life goals and plans that you would like to implement after retirement, otherwise a meaningless life leads to the development of diseases, psychological problems and depression.

Interesting hobbies for retired women

In our minds, the image of a grandmother is invariably associated with pies, homemade jam and socks knitted with her own hands on long winter evenings. However, grandmothers of the 21st century are far from this idea: they engage in fitness, visit beauty salons, travel a lot, communicate on the Internet with friends of their youth - in general, they lead approximately the same lifestyle as younger women. And, of course, they engage in various hobbies. Here are the most popular types of leisure time for women who have freed themselves from work duties and become pensioners.

Creating home comfort

Many retired women are happy to improve their own homes and create comfort in it. Some grow flowers, herbs and entire fruit trees in pots, others make designer tablecloths, potholders or homemade paintings. There are many hobbies available to retirees aimed at making home a more comfortable and beautiful place.


This business is considered traditionally female, but actively working women, building a career and raising children, cannot spend much time on cooking. But pensioners have plenty of free time. If it is accompanied by an interest in cooking and cuisines of different countries of the world, then cooking from a routine boring task turns into an exciting hobby and a real creative process.

Traditional and new types of needlework

Traditional types of needlework - embroidery, beading, macrame, knitting, etc. - always remain relevant. Nowadays, engaging in such hobbies has become easier than before: in stores and on the Internet you can find not only the necessary materials and tools, but also ready-made patterns for embroidery or knitting.

If you want some variety, you can try making toys that will delight your grandchildren. For example, making rag dolls or knitted animals.

A more complex technology is wool felting. It requires certain skills and abilities. The fruits of creativity of lovers of this hobby do not leave anyone indifferent. In skillful hands, wool turns into masterpieces, bright and pleasant to the touch - dresses, hats, soft toys, jewelry.

Another common variety of handicraft hobbies for retirees is kanzashi, or creating flowers from ribbons, which can then be used for finishing clothes, interior design, and assembling jewelry. It requires perseverance and accuracy.

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Country cottage area

It is impossible to sit idle at the dacha. Either you need to dig up a garden bed, then weed the plantings, then apply water for irrigation, patch up a porch or fence... We are always on the move, in the fresh air, enjoying communication with nature.

Pros. A summer cottage is a great way to maintain good health. In addition, environmentally friendly and always fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits from your own plot will diversify your table, and homemade jams and pickles will provide your family with vitamins for the winter.

Pension in European style: how the elderly live in Spain, Germany and Poland

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The most original hobbies for retirees - women and men


This is a simple and useful hobby for retirees of both sexes. It does not require any special knowledge and skills - they are quickly acquired in the process. For origami you only need paper. Starting with the simplest figures, you can then switch to more intricate and complex techniques.

Drawing with curves

This is one of the new types of creative hobbies that can be practiced at home, rapidly gaining popularity among retirees and others. Unusual and colorful paintings, drawn without the use of paints or pencils, can be a wonderful gift for loved ones and interior decoration.

Salt dough modeling

This hobby is one of the least expensive for a pensioner: all you need for modeling is salt, flour and water. With practice and imagination, you can achieve very interesting results.


Decoupage is the art of decorating household items such as dishes, kitchen cutting boards, wooden furniture, cardboard boxes, suitcases, etc., from which designer items are created. To decorate, you will need varnish, acrylic paints, PVA glue and various pictures (you can even use ordinary napkins with beautiful patterns).

In addition to decoupage, many pensioners are engaged in such original types of arts and crafts hobbies as painting with sand or salt, laying out pictures from coffee and other beans, weaving from paper, crafts from shells and dried flowers, etc.

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What should a woman do in retirement?

  • Hobbies that prolong youth.

Remember that you can only escape old age by dying young, so don’t try to complain about the appearance of new wrinkles on your face. Know how to appreciate even this.

And in order to surprise your friends and family with excellent health, appearance, and memory, be sure to do something that prolongs your youth.

First, try to lead a healthy lifestyle. There is no need to imagine that only young ladies can engage in fitness, swimming, running and aerobics. There are special training programs for older people that give even beginners the opportunity to start exercising and little by little move towards their goal.

Pay attention to your skin - it needs anti-aging preventative care treatments. This does not mean that you need to buy the most expensive products from well-known manufacturers. Try a new popular hobby - cream making at home. As a result, you can create your own highly effective and natural beauty recipes at a much lower cost.

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Walking is an excellent health-improving hobby if you devote time to it regularly and keep the rhythm. Take a walk in comfortable clothes and shoes so that exercise is enjoyable and does not create health problems. Elderly women in good physical condition can try participating in short-distance hiking trips, and unprepared beginners can try Nordic walking.

Excellent memory and a sharp mind are features of adolescence, but they can not only be preserved, but also improved in old age. What should a retired woman do? Of course, by solving puzzles, crosswords, logic games, memorizing poems and monologues. After all, you don’t have to do this to speak in front of an audience. Learn for yourself!

Master the computer. This will definitely increase your popularity and make you look younger in the eyes of your grandchildren. They will be proud of such a grandmother and brag about your successes to their friends. Don't just stop at social media and chef sites.

Become a user of useful programs. For example, a photo editor or software for creating digital photo albums and books. Learn how to blog and manage your home finances. The possibilities of a computer are almost limitless: you can write and read books, listen to music, watch television programs, and solve logic problems. A separate topic is online shopping, which is now not only convenient, but also allows you to save a lot using bonuses and discounts.

  • A hobby for homemakers.

What else can a woman do after retirement? Finally, the ladies have the desired opportunity to devote themselves to family and home. Choose a hobby that will help create coziness in your home and make it more comfortable.

Growing indoor flowers is a wonderful and rewarding hobby. You can start with the most undemanding species or by planting spicy-aromatic herbs on the windowsill. If gardening is new to you, buy a couple of inexpensive ones and try to fit them into your new routine.

In addition to plant growing, knitting, sewing, various weaving techniques, painting furniture and making mosaics will help create coziness in the house. There are always old unnecessary things in the apartment that will find a new life in a hand-sewn blanket, bag, underwear bags, furniture covers and pillows.

Cooking is a common hobby for which working women do not always have enough energy and time. Now you are retired and can easily master new interesting recipes for soups and main courses, as well as master the technology of delicious desserts, preparations and freezing for the winter.

Knitting and crocheting, embroidery, macrame, beading - all these activities are still popular now, so if in your youth you tried to master such an art, confidently take them as a basis and finish what you started a long time ago.

Check out the arts and crafts departments. There are always patterns of paintings for embroidery on sale. This is very convenient, as you save time that you would otherwise spend on translating the drawing. These sets already include threads or beads, all you have to do is take on this exciting, painstaking task and delight your loved ones and friends with your creations.

Want to learn something new in retirement? Try making toys from nylon socks or make cute rag tildes that your grandchildren will definitely love. It is not so easy to learn how to felt felt from wool, but in this way you can create real works of art: jewelry, bags, hats and even houses for cats.

If you consider yourself a diligent person, then try to take up the kanzashi technique in retirement - these are cute flowers made from ribbons that are used to decorate clothes, interior decor and making original jewelry.

Take just five minutes to take the psychological test. It is aimed at identifying aptitudes for one or another type of needlework. You will find step-by-step instructions on various handmade techniques in the list of master classes.

  • The most budget hobbies.

Older people do not always have the financial means to invest in a new hobby. What should such pensioners do in retirement? In this case, you can choose one of the economical types of hobbies.

These include origami - in every sense a practical hobby for older men and women, because all you need is paper. You can start with elementary figures, gradually moving on to more complex ones (for example, to crafts using the modular origami technique). The main thing is that you really enjoy this activity.

Drawing with crumpled paper is also an economical hobby, the results of which can lead to admiration. Luxurious panels, made without the use of paints or pencils, can be a wonderful gift or even the reason for opening master classes for bored neighbors and their grandchildren.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to make salt dough, because everyone has flour and salt. The result can be simply amazing. Having mastered this technique, you will solve the problem of choosing gifts for International Women's Day and New Year.

Have you ever seen flowers made of cold porcelain? Did you know that the dough for them is made from inexpensive starch? Cheap raw materials coupled with patience will bring excellent results that will arouse admiration among others.

The common decoupage technique originates from:

  • from cute napkins that were left over after the holiday;
  • unclaimed shoe and gift boxes;
  • cream jars;
  • plastic and glass bottles;
  • worn out cutting boards;
  • aged plates and cups without a pair.

All these attributes can easily be converted into exclusive designer items using only PVA glue, acrylic paint and varnish.

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It is better to engage in any budget hobby after retirement than to be bored at home watching TV.
Such hobbies, in addition to the above, include crafts from forest and sea gifts, weaving from newspaper rolls, creating images with salt, painting with sand, paintings from cereals and coffee.

Hobbies for retirees as additional income

Many of the modern hobbies that retirees enjoy can bring them not only joy, but also stable additional income. Such activities include:

  • Tutoring. For those retirees who have worked as teachers all their lives, this is the most suitable option for a hobby and income. Tutoring services are well paid. They are always in demand both among schoolchildren and students who need help with certain subjects, and - above all - among applicants who need to be prepared to pass all exams, complete tests and enter universities.
  • Hand Made. Behind this fashionable English expression are hidden things that have long been familiar and familiar to us - handmade products. The scope for creativity for a lover of this hobby is enormous: from knitting exclusive items of clothing and jewelry to creating interior items. Made with love and in a single copy, such things are always valued above factory ones. It is not at all necessary to look for buyers for each product yourself; you can entrust this to assistants or use special sites where the creations of different masters are sold.
  • Organization of a mini-kindergarten where children will be while parents are busy at work.
  • Providing repair and sewing services for clothing and shoes. An ideal side hustle hobby for home-based retirees who know how to sew or mend and have the right equipment.
  • Production of confectionery products or semi-finished products to order.

If you are very familiar with computers and specialized programs, and are an active Internet user, then you have every chance of finding a profitable part-time job on the World Wide Web. Pensioners can engage in such types of paid hobbies as:

  • Writing articles and other texts to order;
  • Developing your own blog, dedicated to your personal experience or a specific topic, and receiving money from advertising;
  • Preparation of essays, term papers, theses, tests and dissertations (especially if you worked as a teacher at school or taught at a university and know very well how these works should be written);
  • Simple types of earnings - viewing links, passing paid tests, etc.

Even if, having become a pensioner, you have never used a computer and do not know which way to approach it, do not dismiss the opportunity to gradually learn everything you need and start making money on the Internet. In any case, you will learn a lot of new and interesting information and, perhaps, acquire a new hobby.

So the status of a pensioner is not at all a reason to be upset and prepare yourself for a boring and hopeless existence. As you can see, there are many hobbies in the world that will provide you with pleasant emotions, new skills and, quite possibly, an additional source of income.

Hobbies can generate income

By doing what you love in your spare time, you can get a significant increase in your pension or even a stable income. Similar activities include:

  • Sales of handmade products. Hand Made sells well, designer products are a guarantee that the purchased item is unique, the soul of the master has been put into it. You can sell knitted clothes, jewelry, and designer interior items. The uniqueness and exclusivity of the product allows us to set high prices; there is always a demand for such items.
  • Tutoring at home. If you have dedicated your life to teaching, are well versed in higher mathematics or are fluent in a foreign language, you have every chance of making good money teaching schoolchildren or preparing applicants for admission to a university. You can limit yourself to completing coursework and tests at home, take on the development of diploma projects, translate articles, etc.
  • Domestic services. You can earn money by sewing or repairing clothes, repairing electrical appliances, repairing computers and shoes; the scope of employment depends on your skills and talents.
  • If you have culinary skills, you can try baking cakes and pastries to order; people willingly buy homemade dumplings and dumplings.

Those who are familiar with computers and are active Internet users can earn good money. Having basic knowledge of PCs, wide opportunities open up for you:

  • copyright, rewrite;
  • blogging - while you write about what you like, share your personal experience, advertisers pay you for the opportunity to advertise on your blog;
  • taking tests, secret shoppers, viewing paid links, etc.

Even if the computer is an unknown area for you, do not give up, there is nothing that you cannot figure out. Take the time to sign up for computer literacy courses and ask your children to help them learn a new profession.

What are the most common hobbies for retirees in Europe?

European retirees have virtually no problems choosing a hobby, because, as a rule, they plan in advance both their retirement and the activities to which they will devote their free time. Saying goodbye to work, retirees are already looking forward to a new round of life, which will be full of pleasures and interesting things to do.

Pensioners in Germany, Spain and the Scandinavian countries are the most wealthy and socially protected. There are many interest groups, clubs, courses and sports sections for them. In fact, the idea of ​​interest clubs is not new - the first such associations appeared in Europe in the 19th century - but only recently have they begun to focus specifically on older people and take into account the specifics of old age.

In the cities of Western and Northern Europe, all measures are being taken to provide pensioners with an active life and to prevent a lonely and dull existence within four walls. For this purpose, the necessary infrastructure, development and rehabilitation centers are being created, events are being organized to train older people in modern technologies, as well as numerous clubs and sections. There are also psychotherapeutic groups and special trainings for pensioners.

In addition to hobbies for retirees that can only be practiced at home, traveling is also popular among European seniors, both within the country and far abroad.

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Not only sports, but also other types of physical activity will allow a pensioner to stay in shape. Another benefit is the opportunity to meet new people. Fitness activities suitable for older adults include going to the gym, yoga, cycling, and hiking.

Separately, it is worth noting Nordic walking. This is a way to improve your health and expand your social circle. Walking uses major muscle groups and can be done at any fitness level.

Walking has several varieties: from soft - for people with health problems, to full-fledged intense exercise - for those who want to lose weight or bring the body into working tone. A sports hobby reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases: diabetes, asthma, heart disease.

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