Retirement presupposes a change in the social status of a citizen, which naturally entails the emergence of
Home NPF VTB Pension Fund belongs to the VTB group of companies, which also includes
Medical disability varies in severity. In accordance with this, citizens are assigned
General concepts To receive a pension, you must have an official certificate and other evidence of “disabled” status,
Home Help Old-age pension The concept of “pension” is quite broad and includes various
“Disability” as a definition implies that a person has a condition that requires him to limit physical activity.
What is SNILS SNILS (individual personal account insurance number) uniquely identifies an individual
Citizens of Russia, upon reaching a certain age, have the right to stop working and count on
FSD or RSD Federal social supplement is paid by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and is established in the case
Funeral benefit is a special social payment designed to compensate for funeral expenses. She is being extradited